David Brooks

What If We’re the Meanies Here?

David Brooks never bothers to consider who makes the country mean. Rather, he continues to flatter himself and his audience, cynically affirming a toxic outlook that divides and demoralizes a majority of the population.

Marijuana Legalization: What Would Aquinas Really Say?

David Freddoso recently asked the question: “What Would Aquinas Say about Legalizing Weed?” In particular he argues against what he considers to be a specious argument from David Brooks that legalizing marijuana is akin to endorsing it. In his piece, “Weed: Been There. Done That” Brooks notes: Laws profoundly mold culture, so what sort of … Read more

The Conservative’s Right Mind: A Reply to David Brooks

Writing about the Republican National Convention in August, New York Times columnist David Brooks fretted that the Republican Party has been captured by a “hyperindividualistic mentality,” and he commended Condoleezza Rice’s celebration of “larger national goals—the long national struggle to extend benefits and to mobilize all human potential.” Last month Brooks reinforced this claim by … Read more

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