Worshipping Gaia
As much as Francis of Assisi loved nature, he understood that our first responsibility is to God and not to nature. It’s not clear if his namesake pope feels the same.
As much as Francis of Assisi loved nature, he understood that our first responsibility is to God and not to nature. It’s not clear if his namesake pope feels the same.
As spring bloomed, the president addressed the nation on energy. The president told us, “Without our planning for the future, it will get worse … The oil and natural gas that we rely on for 75 percent of our energy is simply running out.” Unless profound changes are made in the next decade, the president … Read more
“For humans to have a responsible relationship to the world, they must imagine their place in it. To have a place, to live and belong in a place, to live from a place without destroying it, we must imagine it.” —Wendell Berry, “It All Turns on Affection,” The 2012 Jefferson Lecture Wendell Berry is a … Read more
The global warming theory holds that certain gases are accumulating in the atmosphere. These so-called greenhouse gases essentially trap heat in, resulting in a slight increase in temperatures around the world. The most significant greenhouse gas is water vapor, but most political debate is focused on carbon dioxide (CO2). It has been hard to justify … Read more
Bjørn Lomborg is an associate professor of statistics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. In 1998, he published four articles offering a statistician’s look at the environment in the leading Danish newspaper. His findings initiated a massive debate throughout the European environmentalist community. He later expanded his articles into … Read more