Fine Gael

What’s Next for Irish Pro-lifers?

There has been much ink spilt over the recent referendum result in Ireland. Analysis of the reasons as to why the vote was lost may, however, provide seeds for a strategy to win similar debates in the future. For the first time in Irish politics, the former fault lines of Irish politics—anti versus pro-British, Protestant versus … Read more

We Are All Purists When it Comes to Protecting Life

Last Friday, March 1st, an unprecedented gathering met in Stormont in Belfast in the north of Ireland. Politicians were represented from all sides of the political divide, as they joined political figures and campaigners to make an All-Ireland call for the protection of human life. It was a vitally important show of unity, and it … Read more

Pro-life party is now the elected majority in Ireland

Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI) reports that Ireland’s Fine Gael party has won the largest number of seats in the Irish National Parliament’s lower house, the Dáil Éireann: Prior to the election, Fine Gael had pledged to uphold the nation’s pro-life protections: “Fine Gael is opposed to the legalisation of abortion” and “Fine Gael … Read more

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