An Authentic Response to a Devastating Crisis

It was a distressing report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) – a May 2012 update on HIV and AIDS among Gay and Bisexual Men. The report details the degree of HIV/AIDS infection in the population of men who have sex with men (MSM). Though the report is both startling and disturbing, I am … Read more

How Not to Prevent AIDS

In July the U.S.will host the International AIDS Conference and there is promising news. The experts are now convinced that treatment is prevention. If those who are infected are identified quickly, treated so that their viral load is lowered, not only do they have a good chance of remaining relatively healthy longer, the risk that … Read more

The Folly of Federal ‘Safe Sex’ Campaigns

Earlier this year the Australian federal government unveiled draft legislation to introduce plain packaging laws for cigarettes. Health minister Nicola Roxon was unequivocal in her determination to put the final nail in the coffin of the tobacco industry. Showing off the new compulsory olive green packaging with vivid images of clogged arteries, cancerous gums and … Read more

On Condoms: More Dostoevsky, Less Catechesis

Catholics are obsessed with rules about what can and cannot be done. Contraception, abortion, women in the priesthood, even kneeling for the Eucharist are often subjects of controversy whenever Catholics discuss their faith. Thus, when Pope Benedict XVI made his now-famous comment in Light of the World about condoms, it was inevitable that his utterance … Read more

River of clothes

image source In the great river of used clothing that courses through America, our family plays the part of sieve.  Oh, I’m not going to moan and complain.  I really am grateful.  People could be throwing these clothes away, or selling them — but instead, they wash and fold them and save them for us. … Read more

99 navy blue shorts in the bag, 99 navy blue shorts . . .

(image source) In the great river of used clothing that courses through America, our family plays the part of sieve.  Oh, I’m not going to moan and complain.  I really am grateful.  People could be throwing these clothes away, or selling them — but instead, they wash and fold them and save them for us. … Read more

Condoms and the Pope: The Facts

In spite of the media hype surrounding Pope Benedict XVI’s statement regarding the AIDS crisis in Africa, there is ample evidence to suggest the pope has a point. To judge whether this is true, one need only look at the facts — first with respect to the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the spread of … Read more

Anti-Catholic Bias in Georgetown AIDS Report

On January 9, Ray Ruddy, president of Boston’s Gerard Health Foundation, wrote a letter to Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia asking him to disavow or retract a Georgetown report entitled “Faith Communities Engage the HIV/AIDS Crisis.” The report, published in November by Georgetown’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs, criticizes faith-based approaches … Read more

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