House of Habsburg

The Joy of the Habsburg Legacy

Archduke Eduard Habsburg of Austria could have seen his family legacy as a burden, but instead his family’s past and present give him great joy.

The 2020 Election: An Emperor’s Perspective

While in the United States one gets the impression that the country is moving to the Left, more and more people in Europe believe that Russia under Putin might become the savior of the West. It’s interesting to see that, with the U.S. election approaching, the Democrats seem prepared to accept candidates who, at best, played a humorous supporting role in … Read more

Quo Vadis, Europa?

Now that we have Brexit, Catalonian separatism, the yellow vests in France and elsewhere, as well as ongoing clashes between pro- and anti-immigration forces, one may well wonder where the dear old Mother Continent is headed. One should bear in mind that these events are taking place against a backdrop provided by the European Union, … Read more

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