
The Antichrist and the Temple in the Christian Mind

President Trump recently announced his intention to move the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thus reaffirming it as the capital of Israel. This raised the collective eyebrows of millions of dispensationalist Evangelical Protestants. Their eyes fixed, as they saw it, on the prophetic markers of scripture (a Jerusalem-centric book) as it has … Read more

Jerusalem in the Islamic Imagination

There is no story of salvation in Islam because the climax is not the Incarnation, but the mere example of the “ideal man.” There is no grace to save us from the stain passed on by Adam and Eve because there is no such thing as original sin. If a Christian reads the Bible from … Read more

Why King Richard Did Not March on Jerusalem

When we look back on the Third Crusade (1189-1192) it is all but impossible not to be struck by how close King Richard and the Christian host came to decisively defeating Saladin and re-taking Jerusalem. Twice during the campaign—in January 1192 and again in July 1192—the crusaders advanced to within a dozen or so miles … Read more

Come with us to Rome and the Holy Land!

Join InsideCatholic on a Pilgrimage to Rome and the Holy Land, led by Deal W. Hudson and Fr. Paul Tartaglia   December 1-12, 2008   For Information and Booking Call World Pilgrim Tours, Inc. at 1-800-438-8281   InsideCatholic and friends’ visit to the Holy Land will include not only traditional sacred sites but travelers will … Read more

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