John Gehring

The Fishwrap Goes Down the Rabbit Hole

From time to time the better angels of my nature are overcome and, submitting to that most vicious of temptations, I click through to an article in the National Catholic Reporter (which Father John Zuhlsdorf affectionately refers to as the National Catholic Fishwrap). Such was the malign, some may say demonic, influence that brought me, sometime last … Read more

Marginalizing Catholic Teaching One Grant at a Time

George Soros’ Open Society Institute is most often blamed for attempting to neutralize the abortion issue for Catholics by donating large amounts of money to progressive organizations like Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to promote pro-choice politicians. Yet the recent attack on San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Codileone by Faithful America demonstrates that the … Read more

Is Catholics in Alliance gone for good?

Jack Smith at the Catholic Key blog is reporting that pro-Obama group Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good appears to be “out of business.” He cites the evidence from their Web site: They’ve had no blog posts since June 10. They’ve made no tweets since May 12. They haven’t posted to their own facebook … Read more

Catholics Organize to Elect Barack Obama

► Note: This column has been corrected, 7:30pm, Thursday, April 3, 2008. See letter following this column. Lately there’s been much talk about the endorsements for Sen. Barack Obama made by two Catholic leaders: Republican pro-life jurist Doug Kmiec and Democratic pro-life Senator Bob Casey Jr.of Pennsylvania. But these endorsements are just the tip of … Read more

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