Monty Python

Humor and the Hippopotamus

          I saw the ’potamus take wing Ascending from the damp savannas, And quiring angels round him sing The praise of God, in loud hosannas.  Blood of the Lamb shall wash him clean And him shall heavenly arms enfold, Among the saints he shall be seen Performing on a harp of gold. — T.S. Eliot … Read more

Everyone Expects the Spanish Inquisition

It is almost fifty years since the “Spanish Inquisition” sketch by Monty Python’s Flying Circus was first aired on British television. Today its catchphrase, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition,” has an enshrined place in popular culture. It is, however, ironic that the well-known catchphrase contradicts the grim reality of life in our increasingly secular culture. … Read more

A Spoonful of Splenda

I often wonder, writing here, what possible expertise I have to offer. I’m not a theologian, so my take on deeper issues is by necessity secondhand. My knowledge of Catholic history is wide-ranging but thin — and focused disconcertingly on religious orders that brew beer, make wine, or invented distinctive liqueurs. (Surely there’s much to … Read more

Wire Monkey Mother Nature

  I’m sure it has happened to you: In the course of an argument about some timeless teaching of the Church, your opponent dismisses what you’re saying as “medieval.” In other words, your position (and the Church’s) might have worked well enough when the Black Plague was ravaging Europe, the majority of literate men were … Read more

Friday Free-for-All

Time for a few Friday links: Rhode Island Representative Patrick Kennedy has announced that he won’t be running for reelection. No word on whether it’s because he’s tired of tangling with Bishop Tobin. President Obama appears ready to shut down Constellation, NASA’s manned space exploration program. Some say that the cost-benefit analysis simply makes sense, … Read more

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