No School Choice for African-American Kids?

  In a recent editorial, The Wall Street Journal calls 2011 the “year of school choice.” Parents and the legislators who represent them, particularly in inner-city schools, are tired of waiting for the promised effects of “educational reform” on the public schools their children attend. Therefore, according to the Wall Street Journal, in one form … Read more

The Anchoress and the Shirley Sherrod story

Was Elizabeth Scalia — known to all as The Anchoress — the first writer to question the Shirley Sherrod story? Richard Hyfler of Forbes says yes, and adds that she’s the only one who emerged from the imbroglio looking good. When Andrew Breitbart released his heavily edited video — and most of us assumed it … Read more

Friday Free-for-All

Lots of talk recently about Shirley Sherrod, the USDA employee who was fired yesterday after a video clip was released that purported to demonstrate her “reverse racism” in a speech she gave to an NAACP meeting. Andrew Breitbart, who released the tape, essentially said that the NAACP “started it” with their accusations of racism against … Read more

Playing the racism card game

Lots of talk recently about Shirley Sherrod, the USDA employee who was fired yesterday after a video clip was released that purported to demonstrate her “reverse racism” in a speech she gave to an NAACP meeting. Andrew Breitbart, who released the tape, essentially said that the NAACP “started it” with their accusations of racism against … Read more

Stalin’s Trollop: The Envy of Lillian Hellman

In analyzing Envy, we must look beyond the obvious. It’s true that this sin is specially tempting to life’s apparent “losers” — to those with fewer natural gifts of talent and treasure, of looks or smarts. But Greed isn’t limited to the rich, nor is Envy owned by the folks enumerated in Marty Haugen’s catchy, … Read more

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