New York Magazine

Scandal at St. John’s University: Corruption, Apostasy, and Death

Barraged by headlines like the New York Post’s “St. John’s Dean of Mean, Cecilia Chang, Commits Suicide,” most New Yorkers remain bewildered by the facts surrounding a sordid story of money, power and status seeking at St. John’s University.  Last October, The New York Times reported that Dr. Chang, a longtime Dean of the Institute … Read more

Overprescribing the Pill

When I was in college nearly 20 years ago, most of the young women I knew took birth control pills for medical reasons as instructed by their gynecologists. Now that I am in my 30s, I am encountering women who are only just discovering that they never really needed to be on the Pill in … Read more

The slow slide of CNN

Michael Hirschorn at New York Magazine says that CNN has become the sick man of broadcast journalism. Things have certainly changed since the early days of cable.  The rise: It’s easy to forget that CNN was once revolutionary. Founded in 1980, back when the idea of watching a channel other than ABC, NBC, or CBS … Read more

Vampire Love

It’s hard to write about Twilight without writing about the hysteria. But I’ll leave the Googling to you, dear readers, and keep to what I actually saw: girls lined up, a couple hundred deep, at around 9:15 last Thursday night — for the midnight show on Friday. Lots of Twilight T-shirts, a few reading “Team … Read more

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