occupy wall street

A Brass Age?

  This may be the golden age of presumptuous ignorance. The most recent demonstrations of that are the Occupy Wall Street mobs. It is doubtful how many of these semi-literate sloganizers could tell the difference between a stock and a bond. Yet there they are, mouthing off about Wall Street on television, cheered on by … Read more

Occupy’s Celebrity 1 Percent Backers

  The Occupy Wall Street movement has hit several huge roadblocks. First it was the cold temperatures that sent many home. Next was the long-overdue decision to evacuate them out of public parks by liberal Democrat mayors. But another huge roadblock that’s emerging: their enormous hypocrisy on wealth. The occupiers have pushed the ludicrous slogan … Read more

An “Occupy Wall Street” Thanksgiving?

  Last week, a deranged malefactor was arrested at Occupy Wall Street for threatening to launch Molotov cocktails at Macy’s. It might have been a Macy’s Thanksgiving to forget. A much friendlier Occupy Wall Street offering comes from my Religious Left friend, Jim Wallis: It’s time to invite the Occupy Movement to church! And Thanksgiving … Read more

What Occupy Wall Street Gets Wrong

  If you want to know what motivates the people involved in Occupy Wall Street, you can get a good idea from Think Progress, a left-leaning website. It offers a map of the continental United States labeled, “If U.S. land were divided like U.S. wealth.” In this representation, 1 percent of the people hold title … Read more

‘Tahrir Envy’ Meets ‘Tea Party Envy’ on Wall Street

It’s hard to know how to react to the apparently escalating protests on Wall Street. On the one hand, you can just roll your eyes. The numbers aren’t very big, especially for New York, and every generation has its “useful idiots.” I’ve been one myself. The demonstrations appear to be just another float passing by … Read more

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