
Why I Am Not Protestant

To argue that one cannot become Catholic because Pope Francis may share certain traits in common with liberal Protestants is to engage in a form of individualistic consumerism.

Praying with Protestants

Does the Church teach that Catholics cannot pray in common with non-Catholic Christians? A look at the history of this teaching.

Neither Prot nor Sede

Jamie Forsythe always felt called to be a priest, according to a CBS News 5 February report. That calling persisted even after pleading guilty in 1989 to attempting to sexually abuse a 15-year-old Kansas boy, serving a prison sentence, and being laicized by the Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City. Forsythe was released from prison after … Read more

Protestantism Made Me Catholic

First Things has been running a fascinating and provocative series of articles that question the principles and beliefs of most of its readers. In May, it published “Why I Became Muslim” by one Jacob Williams, a Brit who grew up Anglican and then converted to Islam. More recently, the magazine published “Catholicism Made Me Protestant,” … Read more

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