Why I Am Not Protestant
To argue that one cannot become Catholic because Pope Francis may share certain traits in common with liberal Protestants is to engage in a form of individualistic consumerism.
To argue that one cannot become Catholic because Pope Francis may share certain traits in common with liberal Protestants is to engage in a form of individualistic consumerism.
A society based on the Protestant Work Ethic, a society with no siestas, is an anti-human society that treats human beings like machines.
Does the Church teach that Catholics cannot pray in common with non-Catholic Christians? A look at the history of this teaching.
Many Protestants argued that the pope saying “we are fundamentally good” was an “unbiblical” teaching. Are they right?
“Sola Scriptura” (Scripture Alone) is the foundational doctrine of Protestantism. But the doctrine itself is based on certain false presuppositions, which makes the whole doctrinal house of cards fall apart.
For anyone who understands the principles underlying Protestant definitions and interpretations of Holy Scripture, radical pro-transgender Protestants should not be all that surprising.
While Catholics may rightly admire and be inspired by such moments as the Asbury Revival, it is important that they look beyond the moment as well.
Some Protestant pastors are canceling their Sunday church services this week because it’s Christmas Day and they fear no one will show up.
Jamie Forsythe always felt called to be a priest, according to a CBS News 5 February report. That calling persisted even after pleading guilty in 1989 to attempting to sexually abuse a 15-year-old Kansas boy, serving a prison sentence, and being laicized by the Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City. Forsythe was released from prison after … Read more
First Things has been running a fascinating and provocative series of articles that question the principles and beliefs of most of its readers. In May, it published “Why I Became Muslim” by one Jacob Williams, a Brit who grew up Anglican and then converted to Islam. More recently, the magazine published “Catholicism Made Me Protestant,” … Read more