Rev. James V. Schall

The Universe We Think In (Versus the One We Think Up)

Jean Louis de Lolme, writing in 1784 of the “omnipotence” of the British legislature—and by implication of the modern state—remarks that “parliament can do everything, except making a woman a man or a man a woman.” Today, the striking thing about de Lolme’s qualification of state power is its apparent naiveté. We live in a … Read more

Fr. Schall’s Latest Literary Treasures

Father James Schall was, as many readers of this magazine know, a longtime professor of political philosophy at Georgetown University.  For the last half-century, Fr. Schall has published a near-constant stream of books, articles, and reviews ranging over almost every subject, from Peanuts to Plato, sports to the Church Fathers. Although now retired, Fr. Schall … Read more

On Cultivating the Catholic Mind

Blogging is not typically a sphere of life that I prefer to tread into. More often than not, it seems that blogs have become merely an outlet for those who neither want nor seek genuine and fruitful intellectual discussion. This is, of course, not a denial that no good blogs exist, nor that good ones … Read more

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