Scientific American

Eat Less Salt, or Else

  “Put down the salt shaker and back away from the table. And don’t even think about going for the chips.” Those are lines you may hear on a TV police drama of the future, when the federal drive to curb salt consumption reaches cruising speed. Last year, the government’s Institute of Medicine urged the … Read more

What could cause a mother to murder her child?

When a mother takes the life of her child — especially after birth — it flies in the face of what we believe about the maternal instinct. An article at Scientific American highlights some new research on the subject, and it’s raising eyebrows.  Dario Maestripieri has spent most of his career studying maternal behavior in primates. In particular, … Read more

Decoding the Sistine Chapel

You may have heard about the article published in the May issue of Neurosurgery by Ian Suk and Rafael Tamargo — both neuroanatomy experts at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, here in Baltimore. According to Scientific American,  back in 1990, a physician named Frank Meshberger published a paper in the Journal of the … Read more

The Failure of Darwinism to Explain Morality

“As an explanation of the world, materialism has a sort of insane simplicity. It has just the quality of the madman’s arguments; we have at once the sense of it covering everything and the sense of it leaving everything out.” G.K. Chesterton In the struggle to survive, the fit win, and so it is also … Read more

A Conversation With “The Skeptical Environmentalist”

Bjørn Lomborg is an associate professor of statistics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. In 1998, he published four articles offering a statistician’s look at the environment in the leading Danish newspaper. His findings initiated a massive debate throughout the European environmentalist community. He later expanded his articles into … Read more

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