sex reassignment surgery

Psychologists Who Dissent from the Reigning Gender Ideology

The word “dissent” is usually associated with those courageous opponents of the Soviet regime during the Cold War but may well be applied now to psychologists and psychiatrists opposed to strange diagnoses. Dissidents usually state unpleasant truths and are silenced by denunciation, ostracism, or imprisonment. While dissident psychologists are unlikely to be sent to a physical … Read more

Flexible Genders and Fanciful Selves

The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission made “transgender” a protected status under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Catholic moral theologian Christian Brugger states that a “baffling multiplication of categories of sexuality” are now seeking “rights,” including transsexualism, transvestism, bi-genderism, genderqueerism, pansexuality to name a few. As Brugger further explains, “transgender” is the catchall term referring to all persons … Read more

Obama Mandate on Sex Reassignment Surgery Challenged in Court

In its continued commitment to infringing upon the rights of religious healthcare providers, the Obama administration mandated last spring that doctors and hospitals may not “deny or limit treatment” to those seeking sex reassignment procedures, even when these procedures run contrary to the provider’s religious beliefs and medical judgement. Last Tuesday, the religious providers fought back. … Read more

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