Sir Walter Scott

What Does Sir Walter Scott Say About Love of Country? 

There is part of a poem by Sir Walter Scott often titled “My Native Land.” Back when poetry was appreciated and even memorized, its first lines were well known. It went: Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, ‘This is my own, my native land!’ Scott’s insights are … Read more

A Noble Imagination: Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley

If you would wish for your children to garner a love and fascination for the good things of God’s Creation, if you would have them embrace adventure, cherish what is noble, honor the poor, and attain to a sincere civility and gentleness, let them read from the works of Sir Walter Scott. Born in 1771 … Read more

A Catholic Curiosity: The Life of Sir Jeffrey Hudson

Shakespeare’s Henry V offers this advice: “This story shall the good man teach his son….” Such counsel is urgent today, when children will learn little reliably of their history in schools, and so are all the more dependent on good souls at home who will teach them.  Children being children, will especially be fascinated by … Read more

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