St. John's University (NY)

Scandal at St. John’s University: An Update

St. John’s University is back in the news following an investigation into possible financial improprieties involving the former president of the university and another administrator with ties to Cecilia Chang, a dean who was accused of fraud.  A statement released by the University on August 24th, concluded that although “there were errors in judgment” by … Read more

Scandal at St. John’s University: Corruption, Apostasy, and Death

Barraged by headlines like the New York Post’s “St. John’s Dean of Mean, Cecilia Chang, Commits Suicide,” most New Yorkers remain bewildered by the facts surrounding a sordid story of money, power and status seeking at St. John’s University.  Last October, The New York Times reported that Dr. Chang, a longtime Dean of the Institute … Read more

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