Standard Bearers

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) was marked out for greatness at a very young age.  The son of a well-known sculptor, he arrived with his family in Rome as a young boy, and had soon captivated the city with his artistic genius.  Pope Paul V, amazed at such skill in one so young, said of him: … Read more

A Son of Saint Louis

Samuel de Champlain vindicates the ideal of the Christian explorer who brings the light of faith and the benefits of civilization to the heathen savage.

Saint Thomas More (1478-1535)

February 7 (the anniversary of his birth) It was the stubble.  That, more than anything, drew me to Saint Thomas More when I was young.  Of course, I had seen the film version of Robert Bolt’s play, A Man for All Seasons, and I enjoyed it.  You are a bad fellow if you don’t like … Read more

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