Stephen Hawking

The Day Stephen Hawking Unsettled His Atheist Peers

Just over a century ago, Albert Einstein rolled out his theory of General Relativity, a paradigm-shifting take on the nature of gravity and its relation to space and matter. Of the implications of his theory, one that has captivated the imagination of filmmakers and the scientistic hopes of researchers and laypersons alike, is the black … Read more

On God’s Responsibility for Atheism

In spite of themselves, atheists can help to remind us of an important truth about God, that is, that he radically transcends the universe. It is God’s very transcendence that makes atheism possible, or at least more likely. If God were an item in the universe open to empirical investigation, presumably, there would be far … Read more

Stephen Hawking is an Atheist? Who Cares?

There are lots of atheists out there, but when Stephen Hawking denies the existence of God, headlines ensue and people take notice. They shouldn’t. The theological beliefs of leading scientists vary over time. Aristotle was a polytheist, Newton a monotheist and now, it seems, Stephen Hawking advocates for atheism. But this means nothing. To assume … Read more

Friday Free-for-All: September 10

A few links to get the day rolling: A federal appeals court is temporarily allowing government funding of embryonic stem cell research while it considers Judge Royce Lamberth’s decision last month that would ban it (saying it violates a Congressional law against funding embryo-destructive research). Is it “silly” to be giving priests the honorary title … Read more

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