Stephen King

Stephen King on girly-man vampires

I haven’t picked up a Stephen King novel since I was a kid, but I enjoyed reading the horror master’s opinion of contemporary vampire fiction. “Here’s what vampires shouldn’t be: pallid detectives who drink Bloody Marys and work only at night; lovelorn southern gentlemen; anorexic teenage girls; boy-toys with big dewy eyes,” writes Stephen King … Read more

Embracing My Inner Lovecraft

The LA Times’ Jacket Copy blog  — tagline “Books, Authors and All Things Bookish” — recently alerted me  to one of the most enjoyable “quickie time-waster websites” I’ve found in quite some time: I Write Like. Based on “a Bayesian classifier” — the programming backbone for a number of ordinary, run-of-the-mill spam filters — the website is disarmingly … Read more

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