Traditional Catholics

Traditional Catholics and the Problem of Scrupulosity

Traditional Catholics are particularly susceptible to scrupulosity, because a (understandable) lack of trust in the leaders of the Church can lead to an increased reliance on one’s own understanding, and therefore scrupulosity.

Avoiding Elitism

Traditional Catholics must be on guard against feelings of superiority in relation to other Catholics.

The Joy of Schism

Throughout Church history, Christians have frequently been happy to expel each other from the Church. That is no less true today, but what is the proper attitude of the Christian when it comes to schism?

Mere Tradition

Tradition, before it is a theology or a movement, is a mood and memory. It begins in the heart and imprints itself on your soul.

Sister Wilhelmina: An American Incorruptible

The body of an American religious foundress was found to be miraculously incorrupt, four years after her death. What does this mean, and what might God be telling us through this? We’ll talk with someone who knows the community and recently visited Sister Wilhelmina’s body.

A Millennial Defense of Catholic Tradition

Matthew Schmitz—maybe the finest columnist of my generation—has written a delightful piece for the latest issue of First Things on his experience at a New Age healing ceremony. It’s chock full of all the solipsistic drivel we’ve come to expect from the spiritual-not-religious crowd: “Inca values,” hemp prayer mats, and a striking melanin deficiency. The … Read more

Is the Church Inherently Conservative?

The great issue that separates progressive from more traditionalist Catholics is whether the Church will return to type. To answer that question “yes” is to say that the Church has an essential nature—a basic structure, set of beliefs, and way of functioning—that is sometimes obscured by corruptions or distortions but can be counted on to … Read more

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