Unsung Heroes of Christendom

O Pioneers!

Pioneering priests such as Frs. Jean-Baptiste Lamy and Joseph Projectus Machebeuf are unsung heroes of Christendom, but deserve to be recognized.

The Unsung Shakespeare

Why should one of the most famous people in history be featured as one of the unsung heroes of Christendom? Perhaps because most people do not perceive Shakespeare as a hero of Christendom.

Physicians for Life

When doctors have become dealers in death, we need to sing the praises of those noble physicians who have taken a courageous stand for the culture of life.

Remembering a Forgotten Poet

Francis Thompson was eulogized memorably by G.K. Chesterton, who described him as “the greatest poetic energy since Robert Browning.”

Good News for a New World

Bartolomé de Las Casas is an unsung hero who wanted to convert the pagan Native Americans to Christ as well as stop the sinful aspects of the European conquest of the New World.

A Holy Warrior

Pelagius of Asturias was a warrior of Christendom who is revered by the Catholics of Spain but is largely unknown to the wider world.

Flower of Scotland

In our quest for the truly unsung heroes of Scotland, we must look beyond those flowers which are in full, admirable bloom to those fading flowers which have been neglected.

Unsung Heroes from an Undersung Country

The Poles are an iron-forged people, shaped into a sword of faithful resilience in the heat of battle. This faithful resilience has been further shaped by the resilience of their Catholic Faith.

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