Should we conduct exit interviews for lapsed Catholics?

Over at America magazine, William Byron considers the idea of conducting “exit interviews” with Catholics who have left the Church: The church in America must face the fact that it has failed to communicate the Good News cheerfully and effectively to a population adrift on a sea of materialism and under constant attack from the … Read more

Further Adventures in Campaign Advertising

Well, this is charming: The ad is the brainchild of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, and Matthew Archbold at the National Catholic Register calls it “the most anti-Catholic political ad you’ll ever see.” Could be… but frankly I find it so confusing as a piece of advertising that I’m not sure it even rises to that … Read more

UPDATE: Democratic dirty tricks in Kentucky

The race between Republican Rand Paul and Democrat Jack Conway for Jim Bunning’s old Kentucky Senate seat is getting slimy. In this latest episode, one of Conway’s supporters dressed up like a Rand Paul fan, slung a racist sign around his neck, and tried to circulate at a Paul rally. Happily, we live in the … Read more

(Church) Politics As Usual?

Over the past several months, The Telegraph’s (UK) ever-interesting Damian Thompson has written a number of posts concerning Sydney’s Cardinal George Pell and the chance that he might soon be named Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. In early May, Thompson reported that “authoritative sources in Rome” had all but confirmed the good Cardinal’s impending appointment. Yet … Read more

Friday Free-for-All

Racism, abortion, blasphemy, sex abuse — today’s Friday morning round-up is a more serious affair: Immediately after winning the Republican primary in Kentucky, Rand Paul got in hot water for his appearance on the Rachel Maddow show, where he questioned the constitutionality of one aspect of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Now he’s clearing … Read more

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