Vatican II

The Post-Vatican II Pseudo-Spiritual Movement

With the demise of the traditional, God-centered spirituality that once thrived in the Church, new secular missionaries rushed in to introduce their man-centered sociopsychological therapies of one form or another.

A Council Without a Soul

The dramatic destruction of authentic Mystical Theology was short-lived, but an anti-mystic legacy lived on in subsequent centuries down to the Second Vatican Council, affecting all who took part in it.

When the Vatican Gets It Wrong

One reason Catholics often treat any criticism of the Vatican as verboten arises from an awareness of how much the Church’s authority depends in practice upon public opinion, in a way it did not previously.

Did Vatican II Foster Religious Indifference? A Debate

Dr. Eduardo Echeverria (Professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology) and Mr. Matt Gaspers (Managing Editor, Catholic Family News) debate whether Vatican II itself (and not just the “Spirit” of the council) fostered a sense of religious indifference among Catholics.

Development of Doctrine and Its Discontents

Development of Doctrine—a legitimate way to understand how the Church’s teaching appears different in different ages—has become a way to introduce innovations contrary to the Church’s perennial teachings.

Four Scores Just Sixty Years Ago?

We are not confusing the blogosphere with reality about Vatican II. We are lamenting the confusion born from ambiguity and the party strife born from both. 

Joseph Ratzinger and the New Liturgical Movement

The struggle to define and to understand active participation is a fruit of two different conceptions of the liturgy. Joseph Ratzinger constantly affirmed the view that the liturgy is the the work of God and not a product of man.

How Many Roman Rites? (Guest: Peter Kwasniewski)

A recent series of articles by three respected Catholic scholars argued for the superiority of the new rite of the Mass over the old. We’ll talk to a liturgical expert about the two rites, their relationship, their development, and how they compare.

Vatican II: A Lawyer’s Perspective

The Second Vatican Council continues to provoke concern, as shown by the recent open letter from priests, scholars, and journalists in support of calls from Bishop Schneider, who believes it contains errors and ambiguities needing correction, and Archbishop Viganò, who has suggested it might be best to forget the whole thing. I don’t have much … Read more

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