Venerable Fulton Sheen

Our Lady of Victory

In 1952 Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote that Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, was the key to converting Muslims. Bishop Sheen believed that the devotion Muslims already had toward Mary would eventually lead them to her divine Son. Moreover, our Lady of Fatima would have a special appeal to Muslims because she appeared in a town … Read more

A Subtler Satanism

No knees and no scars from any cross—two distinguishing marks of the devil. Pope Emeritus Benedict reminds us of Satan’s form in a story from the Desert Fathers: “He looked black and ugly, with frighteningly thin limbs, but, most strikingly, he had no knees.” Ven. Fulton Sheen says that “Satan may appear in many disguises … Read more

The Body Beautiful and the Assumption of Mary

The age of the “body beautiful” will now become the age of the Assumption.  ∼ Ven. Fulton Sheen “I am empowered by my body,” Kim Kardashian declared back on International Women’s Day, voicing triumph in an infamous nude selfie. In a society that worships the brazen sensuality of the body beautiful while eviscerating any link between … Read more

Thank Goodness Fulton Sheen’s Cause Has Been Suspended

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the most dynamic preachers of the Catholic Faith in the twentieth century. Anyone familiar with his work in media knows the power of his influence and example. He was clearly one of the most notable products of the American Catholic revival that began in the 1920s, and the … Read more

Making Music

Like Proust’s “episode of the madeleine” which occasioned an involuntary flood of memory, I remembered a flush of things when I chanced upon a Coolidge-Dawes campaign button among items in one of my grandmother’s souvenir boxes. Charles G. Dawes was a fitting companion for the classically-trained Coolidge, whose eloquence has been ignored by jaded historians. … Read more

Free-for-All Friday, July 30

Time for some Friday-morning link action. Somehow all the links today ended up being reading/writing/storytelling related, so get ready: Novelist Anne Rice, who had a very public reversion to the Faith in the 1990s, is now just as publicly breaking it off again: “I quit being a Christian. I’m out. In the name of Christ, … Read more

The Great Catholic Televangelist

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the death of Bishop Fulton Sheen, called “the greatest communicator of the twentieth century” by none other than Billy Graham. A special memorial Mass was celebrated in his honor last night at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York: To a Catholic boy like Tim Dolan, growing up in the … Read more

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