Whole Foods

Gun Toting Moms and Girls with Guns

The right to bear firearms is not one of the causes I’ve ever been deeply passionate about, but an article in Marie Claire about an apparently growing trend among women to openly carry weapons caught my attention. It’s hard to know how much of a trend it actually is, since the neither the article nor one … Read more

Whole Foods launches a film series?

The grocery chain Whole Foods has launched a campaign called “Let’s Retake Our Plates.” On their Web site, visitors can trace where their food (purchased at Whole Foods, of course) comes from, as well as take regular polls to qualify for discounts at the store. The most interesting part of the campaign is the film … Read more

Right-wing hippies are not that rare.

Are people like WholeFoods founder and CEO John Mackey really that rare? Many in the media seem to think so. Ever since Mackey published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal this summer, the press have been treating him as an anomaly. Nick Paumgarten has a piece in The New Yorker about Mackey’s quirks, but … Read more

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