The Twilight of Socialism


August 1, 1983

Kierkegaard took it to be a mark of genius that a relatively insignificant event could occasion a wholly disproportionate result. That an obiter dictum in a newsmagazine and a Canadian theologian’s animadversions on Laborem Exercens should have been the prelude to the remarkable florilegium of short essays which follows is a tribute to the genius of our essayists. I invited them to comment briefly on the claim that the Pope is a socialist. The result illustrates one of the fundamental assumptions of this journal, viz., that intelligent Catholics will say surprising and interesting and illuminating and different things about any topic you can mention. This issue is our first offering to the Weakland Committee and we plan to make many more so that any statement on the Church and Economics can profit from the rich pluralism of the Catholic mentality.


  • Ralph McInerny

    Ralph McInerny was a popular writer, philosopher, and teacher, as well as the co-founder of Crisis Magazine. He passed away on January 29, 2010.

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