Boston Archdiocese Blocks Access to Web Site


August 19, 2010

This morning, I received an email from Jim Franklin of the Boston Catholic Insider blogging team reporting that the Archdiocese of Boston has blocked access to their web site from the Archdiocesan office in Braintree, MA.

Since we at are ardent believers in both the freedom of the press and the basic right of all human beings, even Catholics in Boston, to make up their own minds about the information found on the Internet, I am posting a link to here for Archdiocesan employees to use during work hours. 

The story about the blocking can be read here

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The controversy leading to this action by the Boston Archdiocese was precipitated by the troubling issues surrounding the proposed sale of Caritas Christi Healthcare, owned by the Archdiocese, to Cerebus Capital. 

Having watched this story develop for quite a while, and having kept abreast of the ongoing narrative, I agree with those blogging at that the sale is rife with conflict of interest issues.

This attempt of the Boston Archdiocese to act in loco parentis towards its employees not only looks silly but also demonstrates an ignorance of how the Internet works.  Whoever made the decision to block the ‘offending’ web site will have a hard time blocking all the Catholic web sites containing links to information about the sale of Caritas Christi.

We will be checking later today to see if has been blocked in Braintree.  Hmmmm, doesn’t that sound alliteratively like ‘banned in Boston’?


  • Deal W. Hudson

    Deal W. Hudson is ​publisher and editor of The Christian Review and the host of “Church and Culture,” a weekly two-hour radio show on the Ave Maria Radio Network.​ He is the former publisher and editor of Crisis Magazine.

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