Jobs says iPad Revolution Freedom from Porn

There have been three important additions to my household over the past few weeks.  The first was an iPad — my first Apple product since 1981. Deal posted some of my thoughts about it here.  After incorporating this incredible device into my work and personal routine, my verdict still stands: It’s a game-changer in so … Read more

BREAKING: Bishops Conference withdraws from controversial civil rights coalition.

Deal Hudson and Matt Smith have been on fire over the USCCB’s membership in the controversial Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR). Deal wrote: There is nothing ambiguous about LCCHR’s lobbying activity on behalf of abortion, same-sex marriage, and “family planning.” All the items on the LCCHR Web site listed here affirm their … Read more

‘You May Hope Anytime You Like’

As a deeply worried citizen of a country that justly deserves my love, I watched last night’s election results with a savage, manic glee. How satisfying it was to see the principled patriot Rand Paul crush the monied, establishment hacks, and to throw peanuts at the screen as the pro-abortion, warmongering lech Arlen Specter slinked … Read more

Fishless in 2050?

I’ve read the stories on and off for some time: Unless things change, our oceans could be out of fish by 2050. The latest report from the United Nations says that, according to current estimates, a fish-less world is quite possible within 40 years unless stocks are allowed to recover: According to the UN, 30 … Read more

Yesterday’s primaries: Out with the old, in with the new

The results of yesterday’s primary elections were almost all good news for the political challenger: Rand Paul, the tea party favorite, walked away with a 24-point lead over the GOP-backed Trey Grayson in Kentucky. Party-swapper Arlen Specter’s 30-year record wasn’t enough to save him this time — even with robo-calls from President Obama on his … Read more

Cradle Will Rock

A college friend of mine once jokingly explained that Catholics propagate our faith a little differently from, say, the Jehovah’s Witnesses: “We don’t have to proselytize — we just knock boots!”   Of course, looking at things seriously, the first part isn’t true. Catholics have to do the hard work of evangelization. And unfortunately, the … Read more

Burka Rage?

Burqas are fast becoming a heated subject in parts of Europe, notably France and Belgium. The UK Telegraph reported an incident over the weekend where two women came to blows over the burqa: [A] 26-year-old Muslim convert was walking through the store in Trignac, near Nantes, in the western Loire-Atlantique region, when she overhead the woman lawyer … Read more

The Liberal Arts and Sexual Morality

Are the liberal arts and sexual morality connected? There is strong evidence that they are, for if we graph their development over the last half-century, we will see an almost identical curve of accelerating decline. Although this proves nothing, it certainly suggests something worth exploring more deeply. Spectacular proof of the decline of the liberal … Read more

Bishops Belong to Group Endorsing Pro-Abortion Court Nominee

Over at Catholic Advocate I’ve described the sad situation, once again.  The USCCB is a member of the Leadership Counsel for Civil and Human Rights, and one of its projects, The Coalition for Constitutional Values, has just published a video endorsing pro-abortion nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan. How can it be that the … Read more

Clothe the Naked

“Nake” is an extinct English word meaning to strip clothes off. To be “naked,” therefore, is to be in a state of having had your clothes stripped off. Why does this bit of pedantry matter? Because it speaks volumes about what our ancestors regarded as the “natural state of man.” It is not until after … Read more

1942: Cloud of Witnesses

The series I have been writing on the Church in the Second World War has taught me the power of the maxim, “The best way to learn a thing is to teach it.” What I have learned from writing about events in 1942, reported in diaries and journals on crumbling war-rationed paper, has opened my … Read more

Seminarians in the age of the abuse scandal

I missed this article in the Washington Post when it appeared last week, but it deserves a mention now. William Wan talks with seminarians graduating from Mount Saint Mary’s this year about studying for the priesthood under the shadow of the sex-abuse scandal: “In the last six years alone, I’ve been fingerprinted four times,” said … Read more

Thousands Turn out to Support Pope Benedict

Yesterday, 150,000 people (give or take) packed St. Peter’s Square for Pope Benedict’s noon address. My view was literally a sea of people. In fact, that was my view from all sides. Normally, I hate crowds, but this was really inspiring. It always is when thousands of people are quiet, listening to the pope, and … Read more

The sexualization of young girls doesn’t bother some parents

News channels and parenting blogs have been on fire the past few days over a video of 8-year-old girls dancing to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” during a dance competition. The girls do a lot of gyrating and are dressed in bikini-like dance costumes. ABC interviewed one set of parents who justified the dance by saying the … Read more

Toning Down the Immigration Debate among Catholics

On the heels of the health-care debate comes a potentially more contentious furor over proposed immigration legislation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who helped secure abortion funding in the health-care bill, is now telling us the bishops came to her and said, “We want you to pass immigration reform.” But Pelosi wants help from the bishops: … Read more

Today the Vatican released details of its upcoming sex abuse defense. The AP has learned the Vatican will argue that bishops are not its employees and were not required to remain silent by a 1962 document, “Crimen Sollicitationes,” meaning “crimes of solicitation.” The Vatican attorney in the U.S., Jeffrey Lena, will argue not only that … Read more

Vatican Releases Details of Sex Abuse Defense

Today the Vatican released details of its upcoming sex abuse defense. The AP has learned the Vatican will argue that bishops are not its employees and were not required to remain silent by a 1962 document, “Crimen Sollicitationes,” meaning “crimes of solicitation.” The Vatican attorney in the U.S., Jeffrey Lena, will argue not only that … Read more

Sunday Comics: Uncle Harry’s Monkey’s Uncle, Part 7

A “bad guy” has dressed up as a gorilla to cause a panic in the amusement park owned by Uncle Harry.  However, Harry’s friend Fud is also dressed up as a gorilla, taking care of the baby gorilla inside the cage.  Insanity ensues, as only Frank Borth can depict it. This week’s sequence, as always, … Read more

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