Life Without Air

One of the most extraordinary things brought to light by the makers of the BBC’s “Blue Planet” series in their extraordinary episode The Deep was the way in which the discovery of deep sea hydrothermal vents — first identified by scientists in the late 1970’s — was forcing the scientific community to reconsider some of their most long-held … Read more

More bad press for Benedict’s visit to England

Press for the pope’s September visit to England gets worse all the time. First, it was Richard Dawkins et al. calling for Benedict’s arrest upon his arrival in the country; now, an embarrassing Foreign Office memo has come to light that sarcastically suggests the pope “be asked to open an abortion clinic, bless a gay … Read more

Thou most kind and gentle death

Those familiar with the writings of St. Francis of Assisi will recognize the line from the hymn “All Creatures of our God and King” based on his writings. He portrays death as “kind and gentle,” certainly a minority view in our culture and even in our faith. It bespeaks a familiarity with death that seems … Read more

I’ve only recently begun watching silent films in earnest, and I find my interest in them grows with every one.  I am fascinated by the ability of the actors and directors to tell a story with a minimum of words, delivered on “title cards.” You literally cannot look away from the screen, relying on the … Read more

I’ve only recently begun watching silent films in earnest, and I find my interest in them grows with every one.  I am fascinated by the ability of the actors and directors to tell a story with a minimum of words, delivered on “title cards.” You literally cannot look away from the screen, relying on the … Read more

Try Something Different — Silent Movies!

I’ve only recently begun watching silent films in earnest, and I find my interest in them grows with every one.  I am fascinated by the ability of the actors and directors to tell a story with a minimum of words, delivered on “title cards.” You literally cannot look away from the screen, relying on the … Read more

Is Islam the last Western taboo?

In reference to Comedy Central’s latest low-bow to Islam, Ross Douthat writes: [T]here’s still a sense in which the “South Park” case is particularly illuminating. Not because it tells us anything new about the lines that writers and entertainers suddenly aren’t allowed to cross. But because it’s a reminder that Islam is just about the … Read more

The Menace of Botanicas

One of the joys of growing up Mexican American was learning a lot of your religion at the supermarket. At the local grocery store in my childhood neighborhood, there could be found a generous selection of votive candles for sale, all with prayers in Spanish and English for all occasions and afflictions. San Lazaro, San … Read more

Drawing Mohammed not the right approach…

On Friday, Sky News reported that the Chinese government would be sterilizing 10,000 southerners over a period of four days to make sure local population quotas are met. (Today will be the fourth day.) Many are being sterilized against their will, and in some cases, government officials are imprisoning the elderly parents of those who … Read more

China forces sterilization on its southern citizens

On Friday, Sky News reported that the Chinese government would be sterilizing 10,000 southerners over a period of four days to make sure local population quotas are met. (Today will be the fourth day.) Many are being sterilized against their will, and in some cases, government officials are imprisoning the elderly parents of those who … Read more

On Beauty: A Message to Its Religious Despisers

What did Fyodor Dostoevsky mean in The Idiot when one of his characters asserts, “Beauty will save the world”? Taken at face value, it’s a claim that beauty plays a role in the salvation of us all. There are quite a few Christians, of all denominations, who would respond to that claim with suspicion, if … Read more

In a move that’s depressing both for its cultural implications and for the naked desperation for relevance that it betrays, Archie Comics will be introducing its first “openly gay character” in September.  According to the comic’s website, VERONICA #202 features the full-issue story, “Isn’t it Bromantic?” that introduces Kevin, Archie Comics’ first openly gay character. … Read more

In a move that’s depressing both for its cultural implications and for the naked desperation for relevance that it betrays, Archie Comics will be introducing its first “openly gay character” in September.  According to the comic’s website, VERONICA #202 features the full-issue story, “Isn’t it Bromantic?” that introduces Kevin, Archie Comics’ first openly gay character. … Read more

“Isn’t It Bromantic?”

In a move that’s depressing both for its cultural implications and for the naked desperation for relevance that it betrays, Archie Comics will be introducing its first “openly gay character” in September.  According to the comic’s website, VERONICA #202 features the full-issue story, “Isn’t it Bromantic?” that introduces Kevin, Archie Comics’ first openly gay character. … Read more

Sunday Comics: Uncle Harry’s Monkey’s Uncle, Part 4

Thanks to an old friend of Uncle Harry’s, several zoo animals are being shipped to his castle, free of charge.  Mr. Moody prepares to welcome them, thinking they’re the key to attracting huge crowds. As always, these pages come from Catholic University’s online archive of Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact.     A baby???

Hollywood Becomes Less Plastic; Remains Creepy

Speaking of beauty and botox, here’s an encouraging story from the NYT about how Hollywood is getting a little tired of plastic ladies with nylon hair. “I think everyone either looks like a drag queen or a stripper,” said Marcia Shulman, who oversees casting for Fox’s scripted shows. Some of this difference may have to … Read more

The Way of Conversion

The emblematic conversion stories have traditionally emphasized drama. As Saul approached Damascus, intending to bring any who belonged to the Way to Jerusalem for judgment by the chief priests, “suddenly a light from heaven flashed about him. And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you … Read more

Half-price books at Sophia for half a day

To all those readers who love a good book sale: Just got a heads up from our friend John Barger over at Sophia Press about a great deal they have going on — but only until midnight tonight:  Early last month, we received a loan to get back into print almost 40 of the excellent Catholic … Read more

One Little Thing at a Time

My life is ridiculous. Do I need to tell you this, or can you reach that conclusion all on your own when I tell you that I am a homeschooling mother of eight who also works from home? Some days, the different roles I play meld seamlessly together. “Of course I can do this!” I … Read more

A Day in the Big Apple

This past weekend, I made my first-ever visit to New York City. Margaret and her trusty iPhone (complete with the indispensable NY Subway App) shepherded me safely through the most bewildering urban landscape I have ever experienced (as well as the most bewildering one I will ever experience, I suspect). My reactions mostly alternated between “I’m really confused … Read more

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