Lies, Lies, and Damned Lies
Incessant gaslighting by the Left has led many former Trump opponents to now support the former President for re-election.
Incessant gaslighting by the Left has led many former Trump opponents to now support the former President for re-election.
The shouting down of “the patriarchy,” the silencing of men, and the indulging of the vicious have created a “therapeutic society.”
We’re to the point in the culture wars where “the best defense is a good offense,” and if you want to protect your family from these pernicious influences, you’ve got to push back hard. This means running for (local) office.
I’m calling for a Lay Synod. A national meeting of prominent lay Catholic leaders (and only laity) who will convene to tackle the challenges facing our Church in the modern world.
I’m voting Republican because I’m sick of being told that every policy disagreement I have with the Left is rooted in racism, sexism, or some other mean-spirited “ism” on our part.
Last week, Leila Lawler and Leila Miller co-authored an article for Crisis Magazine entitled Catholic Men, Rise Up and Fight. This exhortation is a Cri de Coeur from women who are sick of what’s going on in their Church, and they are begging men to address the problem. Here is one man’s response. Mesdames Lawler … Read more
By now, you all have probably seen the video of Casey Heynes, the bullied Australian boy who put the smackdown on his tormentor. If not, here it is: [video: 635×355] I still get a thrill watching Casey defend himself and body-slam the twerp. Justice is so sweet! Both boys have since been on news shows, talking … Read more
I read an interesting article in Time today about Germany and the economic powerhouse it has become. Their exports are high, unemployment is down to 6.9% and their GDP rose 3.6% in 2010. They have recovered from the economic recession that swallowed Europe and their future is bright. What bothered me in the article was the view … Read more
BREAKING NEWS: Egypt’s embattled president Hosni Mubarak has stepped down, and Cairo is rejoicing. I wonder what this will mean for Egypt’s Christian population, especially if the Muslim Brotherhood gains in power.
Political discussions here on IC tend to include numerous commentors who have chastised the Republican Party for paying lip service only to their erstwhile pro-life plank, observing that, since 1973, despite years of GOP control over both Congress and the POTUS, we still haven’t seen any real progress toward outlawing abortions in our nation. The … Read more
I’m not a sports fan. But like many others, I do watch the Super bowl. It’s my annual opportunity to get together with the guys, engage in some armchair quarterbacking, raise my triglycerides by eating, uh, organic dip, and LMAO at the commercials (hey, can I say “LMAO” on this blog?). Margaret blogged below about … Read more
In case you’ve not been following it, the push to legalize doctor-prescribed suicide has renewed it efforts, and is being pushed on two fronts at the same time: Hawaii and Vermont. The Hawaii Death with Dignity Act (SB 803) was introduced on January 21, 2011 in the Hawaiian State Senate. A similar bill is expected to … Read more
For all of you who’ve been craving a bishop with the …ahem… backbone to assert his authority and engage his erstwhile wayward flock, you’re gonna love Bishop Olmsted in Phoenix, who just took a Catholic Hospital in his diocese to task: “The Catholic bishop of Phoenix will strip St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center of … Read more
Many companies have an incentive process built in to encourage their sales teams to sell more: commission structures, junkets, performance-based bonuses, etc. Well, the Just Born company (makers of candies such as Hot Tamales, Mike & Ikes and other favorites) decided to offer its sales force an all-expense paid trip to Hawaii if they made … Read more
Belgium is certainly on the cutting edge of things! Not only are their doctors boldly euthanizing patients sans request, their lawyers have come up with a new basis upon which to sue: wrongful life. Similar to the already widely-accepted cause of action “wrongful death”, this new twist allows parents to sue a doctor on behalf … Read more
This just in from Tulsa: A former director of a Tulsa abortion clinic pleaded guilty Thursday to providing false information about a bomb at the facility. Linda Meek, 63, former executive director of Reproductive Services of Tulsa, said she called in a false bomb threat in August. … Meek, who is no longer employed at … Read more
(From Researchers from Cambridge University in the UK have been able to communicate with brain-injured patients in “locked states” commonly referred to as persistent vegetative states (PVS). They predict such patients will soon be able to communicate and perhaps even move themselves around in motorized wheelchairs. This is huge. I can’t imagine the frustration … Read more
It’s a slow day here on the blog, so I thought I’d raise some hackles. Though a cradle Catholic, my adult conversion to the Faith was intimately tied to the writings of C.S Lewis, and thus I take somewhat of an academic approach to it. Add to this my legal training, and I tend to view … Read more
The much-discussed new English-language translation of the Roman Missal has been issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Read the article here. The USCCB has set a date for implementation throughout all US parishes of the First Sunday of Advent, which is November 27 2011. “Cardinal George announced receipt of the … Read more