Are Patriots Apostates?

I was inclined to be kindly disposed toward the incoming archbishop of Los Angeles. Archbishop Jose Gomez faces a thankless task, taking over a church that has just suffered a major persecution — one conducted by his predecessor in office. Whatever the legal cloud following him up from Texas, Archbishop Gomez was formed for the … Read more

Listening to Music in the Digital Age

I recently stumbled across a most interesting piece from a website called PopMatters that occasionally happens across my radar. The article, entitled “Mental Machine Music: The Musical Mind in the Digital Age,” is a bit long, but the questions is raises have been haunting me for some time now: I want to discern how, precisely, … Read more

I’m oddly relieved . . .

to find that, when otters paint, they paint like otters: Kind of reminds me of homeschool.  Everything reminds me of homeschool.

World War II soldier identified — by his letters home

This is a neat story: The remains of a soldier killed at Pearl Harbor are finally going home after having been unidentifiable for 68 years. The family was able to help experts positively identify the body by providing a DNA sample for comparison . . . from the letters he had mailed home to his … Read more

Another Polish Tragedy

  The nation of Poland is still in shock over the plane crash that killed 97 people, including President Lech Kaczynski, first lady Maria Kaczynska, the national bank president, the deputy foreign minister, the head of the National Security Office, the deputy Parliament speaker, the Olympic Committee head, two presidential aides, several priests, and 17 … Read more

I’ve been an ardent and loyal fan of Tiger Woods since the beginning of his historic career. I’ve defended many of his outbursts as behavior he would one day leave behind. Well, if he were going to leave it behind, it would have been at the 2010 Masters, where he returned to golf after a … Read more

I’ve been an ardent and loyal fan of Tiger Woods since the beginning of his historic career. I’ve defended many of his outbursts as behavior he would one day leave behind. Well, if he were going to leave it behind, it would have been at the 2010 Masters, where he returned to golf after a … Read more

Come Back, Tiger, When You Grow Up!

I’ve been an ardent and loyal fan of Tiger Woods since the beginning of his historic career. I’ve defended many of his outbursts as behavior he would one day leave behind. Well, if he were going to leave it behind, it would have been at the 2010 Masters, where he returned to golf after a … Read more

Pope Should Apologize and Explain

Benedict has been a great pope. His Regensburg Lecture will be admired for centuries. His encylicals, though dense, are profound and illuminating. And he is arguably the world leader in helping rid an institution of child sexual abuse. That said, all popes are fallible. Even Peter denied Christ three times. In the case of Benedict, … Read more

Oh my, matzo brei!

I haven’t taken a poll, but I think I’m the only blogger on this team who bought too many eggs for Easter and too much matzo for Passover.  This sounds like a job for . . . matzo brei!  This is a lovely, easy recipe for a tasty little dish suitable for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert, or … Read more

Why Catholics Like Einstein

Science is mankind’s great success story since the Renaissance. Only the most obdurate Luddite can regret the computer chip, the Hubble telescope, and the heart bypass. But these material triumphs have come at a philosophical cost. The scientific method has been so successful in its own sphere that many intelligent people think it the only … Read more

Two efforts to support the pope and the priesthood

Here are two items I’d like to bring to your attention: This is the third day of a novena for Pope Benedict initiated by the Knights of Columbus. It began on Divine Mercy Sunday and ends on Monday, April 19, the fifth anniversary of the pope’s election. It’s not too late to join in —  … Read more

Which religious groups are the most politically active?

Mark Chaves of the National Congregations Study has put together an interesting graph demonstrating the ways that different religious groups engage in politics. The numbers may surprise you. Chaves breaks down the results: First, notwithstanding extensive media coverage of political mobilization within conservative churches, conservative white Protestant churches do not stand out in their level … Read more

STUDY: Most Internet security advice is wrong

If you’re like me, every time some Web site’s security protocol forces you to use numbers in your password, you fantasize about reaching through the screen and throttling the site administrator. Well, we apparently have the right idea (not about the throttling). According to the Boston Globe, a new study — the first of its … Read more

Media Distractions

  As the Mysterious Get Benedict Society campaign to destroy Pope Benedict XVI continues shooting itself in the foot with various false starts, half-baked stories, and tales told by mainstream media idiots, the thing that continues to impress me is the sheer self-contradictory irony of the thing. It’s really quite crushing.   We are instructed … Read more

The Better Pope?

Ross Douthat’s column in this Sunday’s New York Times is definitely a thought-provoking one. He notes that, whereas Pope Benedict is repeatedly pummeled by the press, John Paul II was generally well-liked, or at least respected — but that doesn’t mean that he was necessarily the better pope: The last pope was a great man, … Read more

The State Scores Again

Let us set aside, for the sake of this essay, various questions concerning the recent health-care bill passed by Congress. We will concede the highly dubious proposition that it will hold down costs; that it will not add hundreds of billions of dollars to the national debt; that it will not lead to the queues … Read more

The bad business of the Postal Service

Whenever the fans of active government need an example of a state-run business that works “without taxpayer subsidy,” more often than not, they’ll trot out the U.S. Postal Service. Well, so much for that: The U.S. Postal Service’s current business model “is not viable” and the mail agency should make deeper job and wage cuts, … Read more

Michael Sean Winters In Defense of Benedict XVI

My sometimes sparring partner at America, Michael Sean Winters, has an excellent post on the latest attack against Benedict XVI.  Here are the opening two paragraphs, the rest being well worth reading since Winters takes a close look at the documents purported to prove the Holy Father guilty of a “cover-up”: The whole world now … Read more

Gendercide’s tidal wave coming soon to China

It’s no secret that China has been practicing gendercide — the mass killing of unborn girls by abortion — for some time. Now this interesting piece in the UK’s Mail Online outlines the problems Chinese society will be facing by 2020, when there will be 30 million more men of marrying age than women. As … Read more

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