Crisis Point Podcast

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The Gift of Motherhood (Guest: Mary Cuff)

Motherhood is the most important “job” in the world. But it comes with struggles and suffering. One mother decided to look to another type of mother for advice in this important task.

Censoring the Word of God

Since 1970 certain controversial passages of the Bible have been removed or made optional in Catholic liturgical settings. Why was this done? What has been the impact?

Can Catholics be Zionists? (Guest: Dr. Matthew Tsakanikas)

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has led many Catholics to side with Israel for theological reasons, believing God has promised certain land to the Jewish people. Is this legitimate? Are Catholic obligated to defend the modern state of Israel?

Did Online Trads Cause the TLM Crackdown?

Ever since Pope Francis began to restrict the TLM, many have pointed to prominent traditionalists online as the reason. Is this true? If so, what does that say about the pope?

Kamala Harris: The Anti-Catholic Candidate

The anointing of Kamala Harris as the Democratic Presidential Nominee signals the deeply anti-Catholic nature of that party. So why do some self-proclaimed Catholics still support her?

The World Has Gone Insane

The last month has been a relentless onslaught of crazy news stories, with the world seeming to be falling apart. We’ll take a look at the latest news and also discuss how Catholics properly fight for the Truth while maintaining our peace in Christ.

Reconciling Religion and Science (Guest: Fr. Paul Robinson)

The modern conflict between religion and science has only intensified in recent years. While some Catholics want to reject most modern scientific findings, many scientists act as infallible guides to all of reality. What is the proper Catholic perspective?

Sedevacantism: What It Is and Why It’s Wrong

Archbishop Viganò was excommunicated, in part, for “his refusal to recognize…the Supreme Pontiff,” a view broadly known as sedevacantism. What leads people to accept this view and what are the problems with it?

Will the 2024 Election Be the End of America?

A possibly rigged election, a potential World War III, and imprisoning political opponents are all threats to the future of our country. As we celebrate our nation’s birthday this week, we have to ask if this will be the last one for America as we know it.

Should Bishops Ignore the Vatican? (Guest: Peter Kwasniewski)

The reign of Pope Francis has revealed a crisis in the relationship between bishops and the pope. From the sacking of Bishop Strickland to the Vatican micromanagement of dioceses and even parishes, what is the proper relationship between Peter and the other apostles?

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