Crisis Point Podcast

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Do All Dems Go to Heaven? (ft. Father Altman)

Father James Altman joins host Michael Warren Davis to discuss the Democratic Party, liberal Catholics, and a whole lot more. Support the show (

Breaking Free of Same-Sex Attraction

Kim Zember, the author of Restless Heart (Crisis Publications, 2020) joins host Michael Warren Davis to discuss the incredible story of how she broke free of the homosexual lifestyle and reclaimed her Christian, Catholic faith. Buy Restless Heart here: Support the show (

Was Vatican II a Mistake?

Following interventions by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the question—Would we have been better off without Vatican II?—has now become mainstream. The explosive growth of Tridentine communities and the revival of traditional devotions must leave one saying, "There has never been a better time to be a traditionalist." Support the show (

Are the Bishops Colluding with the DNC?

Joe Biden has long benefited from USCCB policies which refuse to deny Communion to pro-choice politicians—policies written by Theodore McCarrick, no less! Now, a staffer for the U.S. Bishops' Conference has outed herself as an enthusiastic supporter of anti-Catholic firebrand Kamala Harris. What are we to do? Find out on episode twelve of the Crisis Point. … Read more

The Most Anti-Catholic Ticket in History

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States, has chosen Kamala Harris as his running-mate. If elected, they would pose the most grievous threat to the Catholic Church in America since the fall of the Know-Nothing Party. Your hosts Michael Warren Davis and Philip F. Lawler discuss this—and so much more!—on … Read more

Who Will Be the Next Pope?

In this special edition of the Crisis Point, Edward Pentin (Rome correspondent for the National Catholic Register) joins host Michael Warren Davis to discuss his new book The Next Pope, available now from Sophia Institute Press.  Support the show (

Covid-19: Pachamama’s Revenge?

Is the novel coronavirus, as the Vatican suggests, Mother Nature's revenge for industrial capitalism? Why does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez want to "cancel" Father Damian of Molokai? And why is the Archdiocese of Boston more concerned with President Trump's tweets than anti-Catholic arsons?  Your hosts Michael Warren Davis and Philip F. Lawler discuss the news of the … Read more

The Ottoman Empire, Reborn

Since taking power in 2014, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has worked quietly yet tirelessly to restore the Ottoman Empire. He would transform Turkey into a bastion of Islamic imperialism. The Erdoğan regime’s decision to turn Hagia Sophia back into a mosque is a clear signal to the West: our experiment with secularism is over. The Clash … Read more

‘Antifascist’ or Anti-Catholic?

Statues of Saint Junípero Serra and Christopher Columbus are being torn up by their rivets. Images of the Virgin Mary are being defaced and set on fire. Activists are calling for the destruction of "White Jesus." Is this a new turn for the modern iconoclasts, or have they been anti-Catholic all along? Your hosts Michael … Read more

Boston-Baked Bombshell

​Catholics and conservatives won two rare victor​ies in the Supreme Court​ last week. Also, is it time for the U.S. bishops to “go​ ​Medieval”​?​ But first, leaked emails prove th​e Archdiocese of Boston asked Father Daniel Moloney ​to resign under pressure from M.I.T. All this and more on episode six of ​​the ​Crisis Point. Support … Read more

Father Moloney: Say His Name

On June 7, Father Daniel Patrick Moloney, Catholic chaplain at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sent an email to his flock regarding the death of George Floyd in police custody.  According to news reports, Father Moloney said that Mr. Floyd “had not lived a virtuous life,” and that cops “deal with dangerous and bad people … Read more

The Bostock Betrayal

On Monday, the Supreme Court handed down its decision on Bostock v. Clayton County. In it, the Court decided that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would retroactively apply to homosexuals and transgenders, protecting them against employment discrimination. What was once the stuff of BuzzFeed rants is now the law of the land: homophobia and … Read more

Shepherds or Sheepdogs?

The Vatican’s Secretariat of State is embroiled in scandal after one of their dubious $100 million real estate deals (in London!) went south. Did Cardinal Parolin know about his underlings’ questionable business ethics? Did Pope Francis? Is the mafia involved? And did these shady dealers frame Cardinal Pell when he found them out? Meanwhile, bishops … Read more

Archbishop Gregory vs. President Trump

Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington says it is “baffling and reprehensible” that President Donald J. Trump was allowed to visit the Saint John Paul II National Shrine amidst nationwide anti-police demonstrations. Meanwhile, D.C.’s Episcopalians are furious that Park Police removed protesters from the vicinity of St. John’s Church—less than 24 hours after the mob lit … Read more

The Eucharistic Famine & Homeschool Blues

Michael Warren Davis and Philip F. Lawler discuss Covid, church closures, and an unexpected victory for home education. Center for the Restoration of Christian Culture conference on homeschooling: Crisis Magazine: Support the show (

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