Crisis Point Podcast

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Stumbling on the Synodal Path

The Synod on Synodality (Part I) just ended, and it didn’t go as pre-planned. Outside events overshadowed the proceedings, and not everyone was on board the path to a synodal Church.

Rome Fiddles While the World Burns

The Middle East and Ukraine are engulfed in war, society has become increasingly (and violently) anti-Catholic, and millions are leaving the Church; meanwhile, Church leaders are meeting together to talk about meetings. What is a Catholic to do?

Defending Marriage When Church Leaders Don’t

The institution of marriage is under attack; in fact, in many ways it seems to be on its last legs. How have Catholic leaders failed in defending marriage, and how can Catholics rebuild our respect for this sacred institution?

War in the Holy Land

The recent attack on Israel by Hamas has led many prominent voices in government and media to call for a substantial response, including an escalation of the conflict to include America and Iran. How should Catholics judge this conflict and America’s role in it?

What Is a Catholic’s Duty to the Pope?

The current papacy has many Catholics wondering what level of obedience and submission is due to the pope’s various actions and statements, such as exhortations on climate change and synods contemplating radical changes to the Faith.

From Fundamentalist to Anglican to Catholic Priest

Fr. Dwight Longenecker has had quite a life. Brought up Evangelical Protestant, he attended the fundamentalist Bob Jones University. He eventually went to Oxford and became an Anglican minister. Finally, he was received into the Catholic Church and was ordained a Catholic priest.

Faithful Bishops Rise Up

After years of episcopal silence in the face of heresy, corruption, and scandal, we’re starting to see some successors to the apostles boldly standing up for the Faith.

Did Vatican II Foster Religious Indifference? A Debate

Dr. Eduardo Echeverria (Professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology) and Mr. Matt Gaspers (Managing Editor, Catholic Family News) debate whether Vatican II itself (and not just the “Spirit” of the council) fostered a sense of religious indifference among Catholics.

Are Sunday Masses Too Long Or Are They Too Banal?

Cardinal Dolan recently wrote an article asking if Sunday Masses were too long. While taking a potshot against more traditional features of the liturgy, he also seems to completely miss the essence of what makes the Mass different than any other human activity.

Can an Unborn Child Be Canonized a Saint?

This past weekend Pope Francis beatified an entire family of nine, including their unborn child. We’ll look at the theological implications of raising an unborn— and therefore unbaptized— child to the altars.

Are Catholics Obligated to Receive Vaccines?

Some Catholics argue that vaccines—whether the flu shot or the Covid vaccine or any other vaccine—are morally obligatory to receive. We will dissect the many flaws in this argument in today’s podcast.

Sister Wilhelmina: A Modern Traditional Saint (Guest: Sr. Mary Josefa)

In April of this year, the body of Sr. Wilhelmina Lancaster, founder of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, was found to be incorrupt four years after her death. Who was Sr. Wilhelmina and what is God trying to tell us through this miracle? We’ll talk to a member of the order she helped found to discover what made this woman so remarkable.

Defending the Papacy In the Age of Francis

Perhaps the greatest apologetical challenge for Catholics today is defending the papacy when its occupant is doing such a poor job. How can Catholics still support the papacy from the attacks of Protestants, Orthodox, and others?

Chasing Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories have always been with us, but lately they are on the rise as many conspiracy theories have become conspiracy facts. How should Catholics approach these theories?

How to Woke-Proof Your Life (Guest: Teresa Mull)

Wokeness surrounds us, from government to Hollywood to corporations to social media, and it impacts us in negative ways big and small. What are practical ways we can escape its grasp in our own lives?

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