Darrick Taylor

Darrick Taylor earned his PhD in History from the University of Kansas. He lives in Central Florida and teaches at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, FL. He also produces a podcast, Controversies in Church History, dealing with controversial episodes in the history of the Catholic Church.

recent articles

The Unserious “House of Luce”

I expect heresy and moral scandal to blight the Church from time to time. What distresses me more is the utter lack of seriousness, the lack of appreciation for the awesome responsibility which Church leaders bear.

Love for St. Peter and His Successor

My love for Peter endures because he is like me, fragile flesh and blood, but also unlike me, in that he became holy, despite his sin. I must love the successor of Peter, even when that successor causes me to suffer.

When the Vatican Gets It Wrong

One reason Catholics often treat any criticism of the Vatican as verboten arises from an awareness of how much the Church’s authority depends in practice upon public opinion, in a way it did not previously.

The Once and Future Christendom

Thinking clearly and asking ourselves hard questions about the future is the first step toward finding alternative ways of living the Faith that will outlast the current crisis the Church finds herself in.

God and Man’s Best Friend

I don’t think it is wrong to mourn for a beloved pet, as long as our affection for them helps us to live more simply and grow in love for God and neighbor.

The Last Temptation of the Lay Apologist

Lay apologists today, because of the media environment and other circumstances in society, face temptations that their predecessors did not; primary among them is the clickbait temptation.

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