Eric Sammons

Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine.

Books by Eric Sammons

recent articles

Archbishop Cordileone Stands Tall

Archbishop Cordileone announced that Nancy Pelosi will not be admitted to Holy Communion due to her radical pro-abortion views, and faithful Catholics everywhere need to pray for this brave shepherd and well as for his straying sheep.

The Dangerous “Weigel Script”

George Weigel has long advocated for robust American interventionism throughout the world, in spite of mounting evidence of its repeated failure. Now he has set his sights on Russia, where the price of failure could very well be nuclear war.

The Church Always Rises

Catholics have little reason for optimism today. But because of the Resurrection, we do have reason for hope.

2% Catholics and the Roots of Modern Idolatry

Our world is awash in idolatry, from the “hard” idolatry of Pachamama to the “soft” idolatry of our smartphone obsession and celebrity culture. This widespread idolatry might be caused by something you wouldn’t suspect.

The Brainwashing of the Catholic Mind

As the world continually demands blind and unquestioning acceptance of The Current Narrative, Catholics should be more critical and judge those Narratives by the standards of our Faith.

Understanding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The invasion must be condemned, period. But we must understand what led to this horrific act by Russia, not to justify it, but with the goal of deescalating today’s conflict and preventing future ones. 

Pachamama Did This

I believe that the Covid pandemic and the horrific response to it were directly caused by the veneration of Pachamama in the Vatican.

America’s High Holy Day

Super Bowl Sunday has become an almost religious event, and it reflects the reality that true religion has been replaced in America. What can we do to bring it back?

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