Would St. Ambrose Get Fired Today?
What would Pope Francis have done with an Ambrose standing in the emperor’s path?
What would Pope Francis have done with an Ambrose standing in the emperor’s path?
Normal political dissent does not take the form of people bellowing like gored oxen on TikTok before an anonymous world as they shave their heads.
The latest installment of episcopal follies just exploded over this year’s status of Immaculate Conception. Is it a Holy Day of Obligation or not? It depends.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s recent TikTok video is either a desecration of the ritual of Communion, or she is completely unfamiliar with that central act of the Catholic and Orthodox faith. I don’t think it’s the latter.
Our screen-based culture is flat and temporal, very immanent, very now, in some sense very ephemeral. None of those characteristics is conducive to openness to transcendence.
The ambiguity wreaked by gender confusion makes any interpretation of what is “appropriate” open to debate.
Pope Francis recently wrote a letter on the role of literature in priestly formation, but a former associate dean of a Catholic seminary thinks it should have gone deeper.
To fulfill the promise of the National Eucharistic Congress, dioceses and parishes need to bring back the Forty Hours Devotion.
The ill-defined specter of Christian Nationalism is really just another attempt by the Left to silence people like you and me.
How many Catholics take their sacramental characters anywhere near as seriously as the characters they tattoo on their bodies?
“An appeal to heaven” seems exactly what the American founding notion of law was, a notion that protects Americans against the abuse of their rights in the name of “law.”
Recovering the Church’s tradition of regular and recurring religious practices throughout the day and in the course of the week, month, and year is not just folklore. It responds to a basic human need.
Invoking the sex abuse scandal as a reason to keep children from Confession is an argument that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
I admit a certain ambivalence about organizing a document around “human dignity” because I am unsure we’ve adequately prepared the ground to support that discussion, especially with non-Catholic circles.
The logic behind not scheduling confessions in the Paschal Triduum is based on an anachronistic reading of liturgical history irrelevant to contemporary pastoral practice and needs.
The Church does not think “virtual” participation is “real participation” in the way the Church understands it.
In the wake of the Alabama Supreme Court IVF-related decision, Democrats want to glom onto this ruling to push abortion-on-demand while Republicans seem to be declaring their love for in vitro fertilization in the hope of not being controversial.
The distribution of ashes in the context of the liturgy points to the deep union of liturgy with all sacramental life, including blessings.
The advent of Physician-Assisted Suicide sets out the question squarely: Do we now consider death is legitimate “treatment,” a form of “healthcare”?
The importance of January 6th as the Feast of the Epiphany has been lost due to the events of three years ago as well as the moving of the feast to a convenient Sunday.