John M. Grondelski

John M. Grondelski (Ph.D., Fordham) is a former associate dean of the School of Theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey. All views expressed herein are his own.

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Fidelity in Kigali?

The fourth Global Anglican Futures Conference adopted the “Kigali Commitment,” which was essentially an Anglican declaration of independence from the primacy of Canterbury.

The Dangers of the Other AI

Artificial insemination is in growing demand, due to increased fertility issues and inherently sterile same-sex relationships.

What Is a Mother?

Roe v. Wade taught Americans that the value and even acknowledgment of the fact of motherhood lies not in motherhood but in one’s attitude toward it.

Taking Archbishop Paglia at His Word

The Pontifical Academy for Life assured us that, though we had seen the naked text of Archbishop Paglia’s remarks on assisted suicide, he was attired in the finest and fullest of ecclesiastical garb.

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The Marriage/Parenthood Disconnect

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Our Holy Innocents Today

The Feast of the Holy Innocents should remind us of the abortion holocaust, not immigration debates. The Church’s vestments are red because the children bled and were dead, not because the Holy Family fled.

Loosing and Binding

Penitents do not have an absolute right to absolution: they must meet what the sacrament itself requires for the forgiveness of sins.


The Normalization of Sterility

Today is “World Vasectomy Day.” What do roaming vans offering fast, local sterilization tell us about how far our culture has fallen?

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