Deal W. Hudson

Deal W. Hudson is ​publisher and editor of The Christian Review and the host of "Church and Culture," a weekly two-hour radio show on the Ave Maria Radio Network.​ He is the former publisher and editor of Crisis Magazine.

recent articles

Activist Judge Strikes Down Defense of Marriage Act

Writing at Catholic Advocate, Matt Smith comments on the decision by Federal District Judge Joseph L. Tauro that the Defense of Marriage Act violates the Constitutional Right of married, same-sex couples to equal protection before the law. The decision was a classic case of a judge legislating from the bench: This court has determined that … Read more

Are We at a Moment Before the Deluge?

The phrase “Après moi, le déluge” is attributed to Louis XV on his deathbed. Fifteen years later, in 1789, the French Revolution confirmed his prediction: “After me, the flood.” Whether the king felt a sense of foreboding of things to come or simple indifference, the expression seems an apt description of where our nation stands … Read more

Writing at Catholic Advocate, Matt Smith suggests, “One Document Elena Kagan Might Want to Re-Read This Weekend.” Commenting on Kagan’s promise to Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) that she would take another look at the “The Federalist Papers,” Smith writes, The Federalist Papers were written after the Constitutional Convention as part of what today would be … Read more

Elena Kagan’s Homework for the Holidays

Writing at Catholic Advocate, Matt Smith suggests, “One Document Elena Kagan Might Want to Re-Read This Weekend.” Commenting on Kagan’s promise to Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) that she would take another look at the “The Federalist Papers,” Smith writes, The Federalist Papers were written after the Constitutional Convention as part of what today would be … Read more

How much stupidity and how many lies can you stuff into a single press release? Jon O’Brien, president of Catholics for Choice, has raised the bar in both categories with the following statement from today.  I have bolded both the stupidity and the lies and added a few comments in [CAPS]. Do you think O’Brien … Read more

How Much Stupidity Can You Put In A Press Release?

How much stupidity and how many lies can you stuff into a single press release? Jon O’Brien, president of Catholics for Choice, has raised the bar in both categories with the following statement from today.  I have bolded both the stupidity and the lies and added a few comments in [CAPS]. Do you think O’Brien … Read more

Are Apologies A Sign of Weakness?

This summer my son Chippy and I have been watching the John Ford/John Wayne westerns.  So far we have screened “Stagecoach,” “Fort Apache,” and “She Wore A Yellow Ribbon.” “Stagecoach” is easily the best of the three, possessing a nearly perfect screenplay and memorable characters, major and minor.   “Fort Apache” is marred, I think, by … Read more

Elena Kagan’s credentials to serve on the Supreme Court are being scrutinized closely, as they should. We know already she is strongly pro-abortion and gay marriage, which should be enough to cause most Catholics concern. Now we learn she is oblivious to the worst excesses of the government’s power to ban free speech, i.e., the … Read more

Breathtakingly Stupid Argument From Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan’s credentials to serve on the Supreme Court are being scrutinized closely, as they should. We know already she is strongly pro-abortion and gay marriage, which should be enough to cause most Catholics concern. Now we learn she is oblivious to the worst excesses of the government’s power to ban free speech, i.e., the … Read more

Our son Chippy enters 7th grade this year.  In fact, at this very moment he is attending summer band camp at the Frost Middle School in Fairfax, VA where he will start his classes in September. He tells me that he “needs” a cell phone because “all his friends” have one.  I say, “Forget it, … Read more

Why Do Kids Have Cell Phones?

Our son Chippy enters 7th grade this year.  In fact, at this very moment he is attending summer band camp at the Frost Middle School in Fairfax, VA where he will start his classes in September. He tells me that he “needs” a cell phone because “all his friends” have one.  I say, “Forget it, … Read more

How My First Catholic Mentors Taught Me Spirituality

When I arrived at Emory University for my doctoral studies in 1974, I had just finished three years at Princeton Theological Seminary as an aspiring Southern Baptist minister. Despite being a Southern Baptist from Texas, and having pursued Reformation studies — Calvin, Luther, and the Anabaptists — at Princeton, I was more than just intellectually … Read more

Last week, when the USCCB meeting in St. Petersburg coincided with the Catholic Health Association summit in Denver, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) ran several stories based on the testimonies of bishops attending the meeting. One of these stories got a great deal of attention.  In it, Cardinal George castigated Sr. Keehan and the CHA for … Read more

Last week, when the USCCB meeting in St. Petersburg coincided with the Catholic Health Association summit in Denver, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) ran several stories based on the testimonies of bishops attending the meeting. One of these stories got a great deal of attention.  In it, Cardinal George castigated Sr. Keehan and the CHA for … Read more

USCCB Official Disputes Cardinal George’s Criticism of Sr. Keehan and CHA

Last week, when the USCCB meeting in St. Petersburg coincided with the Catholic Health Association summit in Denver, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) ran several stories based on the testimonies of bishops attending the meeting. One of these stories got a great deal of attention.  In it, Cardinal George castigated Sr. Keehan and the CHA for … Read more

To Be Adopted and To Adopt

When I was a young man, I always assumed parents loved their adopted children less, or at least differently, than those who genetically shared their flesh and blood. When I thought of myself as a father, it never occurred to me that I might one day love my adopted son as much as my biological … Read more

Yes, I know there is a novel by Turgenev by the same title, but I’ve never read it, so I feel free to use the title. Do I speak for most sons when I say I will spend my whole life trying to understand my father?  My father, Jack W. Hudson, it seemed, was tougher … Read more

Yes, I know there is a novel by Turgenev by the same title, but I’ve never read it, so I feel free to use the title. Do I speak for most sons when I say I will spend my whole life trying to understand my father?  My father, Jack W. Hudson, it seemed, was tougher … Read more

Fathers and Sons

Yes, I know there is a novel by Turgenev by the same title, but I’ve never read it, so I feel free to use the title. Do I speak for most sons when I say I will spend my whole life trying to understand my father?  My father, Jack W. Hudson, it seemed, was tougher … Read more

More than a few eyebrows were raised when the new president of The Catholic University of America was named: John H. Garvey, Dean of the Boston College School of Law.  Most people know Boston College, in recent years, has become the epicenter of Catholic dissent.  And although Garvey is was not a name familiar to … Read more

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