Deal W. Hudson

Deal W. Hudson is ​publisher and editor of The Christian Review and the host of "Church and Culture," a weekly two-hour radio show on the Ave Maria Radio Network.​ He is the former publisher and editor of Crisis Magazine.

recent articles

Questions Raised About New President of CUA

More than a few eyebrows were raised when the new president of The Catholic University of America was named: John H. Garvey, Dean of the Boston College School of Law.  Most people know Boston College, in recent years, has become the epicenter of Catholic dissent.  And although Garvey is was not a name familiar to … Read more

Most Catholics just don’t realize what’s going on at many of our Catholic universities: They need to read the sad story of Marquette University as told by Anne Hendershott in the Wall Street Journal.  Marquette had made an offer to Jodi O’Brien to assume the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.  … Read more

The Sad Story at Marquette University

Most Catholics just don’t realize what’s going on at many of our Catholic universities: They need to read the sad story of Marquette University as told by Anne Hendershott in the Wall Street Journal.  Marquette had made an offer to Jodi O’Brien to assume the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.  … Read more

Is Notre Dame Proud of Its 2009 Commencement Speaker?

Steve Ertelt at has posted a complete list of President Obama’s record on abortion since taking office.  Given the one year anniversary, it’s time to ask whether, since visiting Notre Dame, there has been any subtle or significant change in direction in Obama’s view of innocent human life. After all, President Jenkins, as you … Read more

I promised last week while on retreat with Father Groeschel that I would tell the story of his visit with Walker Percy.   As many people know, the Catholic novelist lived in the small town of Covington, Louisiana where he entertained many visitors on his porch. (I remember a friend at Mercer University who used to … Read more

Father Groeschel and the Gift of Wisdom

I promised last week while on retreat with Father Groeschel that I would tell the story of his visit with Walker Percy.   As many people know, the Catholic novelist lived in the small town of Covington, Louisiana where he entertained many visitors on his porch. (I remember a friend at Mercer University who used to … Read more

LifeSiteNews has just published a story containing, to my mind, the surest sign of a decadent culture.  The chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cape Town, David Benatar, has pubished a book, “Better To Never Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into Existence.”  The basic argument is this:  Human existence necessarily … Read more

The Surest Sign of a Decadent Culture

LifeSiteNews has just published a story containing, to my mind, the surest sign of a decadent culture.  The chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cape Town, David Benatar, has pubished a book, “Better To Never Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into Existence.”  The basic argument is this:  Human existence necessarily … Read more

The Coming Anti-Catholic Storm

Some will say it’s already here, and I wouldn’t argue with them. The first gusts of the anti-Catholic storm have already been resisted, thanks to the courageous vigilance of Bill Donohue at the Catholic League. Now we have The New York Times‘ relentless barrage of reporting and opinion designed to force the type of “reform” … Read more

I’m in the midst of a retreat with Father Groeschel at the Trinity Retreat Center in Larchmont, New York.  The rose garden in the back is spectacular, as is the entire setting of the water-front estate given to Fr. Groeschel to run as a retreat for priests by Cardinal Cooke in 1974. “And all I … Read more

Stumbling Over My Beads With Fr. Groeschel

I’m in the midst of a retreat with Father Groeschel at the Trinity Retreat Center in Larchmont, New York.  The rose garden in the back is spectacular, as is the entire setting of the water-front estate given to Fr. Groeschel to run as a retreat for priests by Cardinal Cooke in 1974. “And all I … Read more

Two Catholic Republicans Square Off In Northern Virginia

Matt Smith, writing at Catholic Advocate, takes a look at the two Catholic candidates — Pat Herrity and Keith Fimian — vying for the GOP nomination to the 11th Congressional seat. Both Herrity and Fimian are pro-life, pro-family Catholics, while the Democratic incumbant Gerry Connolly — also a Catholic — is not. Smith is critical … Read more

On this Memorial Day, I find my thoughts turning to memories of my father, Jack W. Hudson. He served during World War II as the captain of a “Liberator,” the B-24 heavy bomber.  Here he is with his crew (top right) — all of whom came back to the US alive. He only told me … Read more

My Father, the B-24 Captain, and His Crew

On this Memorial Day, I find my thoughts turning to memories of my father, Jack W. Hudson. He served during World War II as the captain of a “Liberator,” the B-24 heavy bomber.  Here he is with his crew (top right) — all of whom came back to the US alive. He only told me … Read more

‘Glee’ and the Search for Postmodern Innocence

The musical comedy-drama Glee debuted on Fox just over a year ago. The story of a high school Spanish teacher’s attempts to resurrect the Lima, Ohio, high school glee club surprised critics by ending its first season ranked at 33 in the Nielsen ratings. Now in its second season, the show’s ratings have only gone … Read more

A Reagan Republican On Peace In the Middle East

Marshall J. Breger was a special assistant to President Reagan and is now a professor of law at the Catholic University of America. He also served in senior positions at the Bush ’41” White House.  His article from Moment Magazine on “A Republican’s Case for Peace” is quite interesting.  Here is his introduction: There is … Read more

Catholic Health Association Wounds Catholic Unity

Stephan Phelan, communications director for Human Life International, has written a thoughtful article at Catholic Advocate on the recent scandal at the Catholic Health Association and its impact on “the future of Catholic unity.”  Phelan’s concern is underscored by the statement of three Cardinals on behalf of the USCCB, referring to CHA’s “rogue” support of … Read more

Can the Bishops Fix the Health Care Bill?

When the health-care bill passed, the bishops’ reaction was twofold: disappointment at federal funding for abortion, while universal care was applauded. For some, including myself, the sound of the bishops’ clapping was far too loud given the immense tragedy of our federal tax dollars being committed to support abortion under the guise of “women’s health … Read more

The Common Good Running Amok In God’s Politics

Have any of you noticed that the concept of “the common good” is being used to justify every expansion of government power in our lives? Take a look at Anne Hendershott’s treatment of “God’s Politics” at Catholic Advocate.  “God’s Politics,” as you may know, is the title of a book written by Jim Wallis, president … Read more

All You Union-Busters, Go To Confession!

Here’s a recent story dug up by the Catholic New Service — and when I say “dug up,” I mean to say you really have to go out of your way to find stuff like this. The headine reads, “Union busting is a mortal sin, Catholic scholars say.” Now, if the headline had been reveresed, … Read more

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