Deal W. Hudson

Deal W. Hudson is ​publisher and editor of The Christian Review and the host of "Church and Culture," a weekly two-hour radio show on the Ave Maria Radio Network.​ He is the former publisher and editor of Crisis Magazine.

recent articles

Bishops Belong to Group Endorsing Pro-Abortion Court Nominee

Over at Catholic Advocate I’ve described the sad situation, once again.  The USCCB is a member of the Leadership Counsel for Civil and Human Rights, and one of its projects, The Coalition for Constitutional Values, has just published a video endorsing pro-abortion nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan. How can it be that the … Read more

Toning Down the Immigration Debate among Catholics

On the heels of the health-care debate comes a potentially more contentious furor over proposed immigration legislation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who helped secure abortion funding in the health-care bill, is now telling us the bishops came to her and said, “We want you to pass immigration reform.” But Pelosi wants help from the bishops: … Read more

Today the Vatican released details of its upcoming sex abuse defense. The AP has learned the Vatican will argue that bishops are not its employees and were not required to remain silent by a 1962 document, “Crimen Sollicitationes,” meaning “crimes of solicitation.” The Vatican attorney in the U.S., Jeffrey Lena, will argue not only that … Read more

Vatican Releases Details of Sex Abuse Defense

Today the Vatican released details of its upcoming sex abuse defense. The AP has learned the Vatican will argue that bishops are not its employees and were not required to remain silent by a 1962 document, “Crimen Sollicitationes,” meaning “crimes of solicitation.” The Vatican attorney in the U.S., Jeffrey Lena, will argue not only that … Read more

Help the Catholic League Defend Mother Teresa

Please consider signing the Catholic League’s petition in response to the decision made by the owners of the Empire State Building to reverse an earlier decision to light its towers in white and blue on August 26, the day the U.S. Postal service issues a stamp honoring the 100th anniversary of her birth.    

Sister Carol Keehan Misrepresents Her Support of the Health-Care Bill

Sr. Carol Keehan responded to the standing ovation she received at a gathering of Obama’s Catholic coalition by making a very strange claim about her support of the recent health-care legislation signed by President Barack Obama. “We were in complete accord with our bishops and our church that abortion is a grave evil. There is … Read more

Looks like the folks at NCR’s “Washington Briefing” had their collective Kum-Ba-Ya moment when Sr. Carol Keehan rose to speak at the podium. Michael Sean Winters describes the moment: Then there are those moments when a group of people want to express their profound admiration and love for someone and, given the context, the only … Read more

Looks like the folks at NCR’s “Washington Briefing” had their collective Kum-Ba-Ya moment when Sr. Carol Keehan rose to speak at the podium. Michael Sean Winters describes the moment: Then there are those moments when a group of people want to express their profound admiration and love for someone and, given the context, the only … Read more

Rise Up, Rise Up for Sr. Carol Keehan

Looks like the folks at NCR’s “Washington Briefing” had their collective Kum-Ba-Ya moment when Sr. Carol Keehan rose to speak at the podium. Michael Sean Winters describes the moment: Then there are those moments when a group of people want to express their profound admiration and love for someone and, given the context, the only … Read more

The iPad is a technological phenomenon — a real game changer.  I got mine in the mail a few days ago and was immediately impressed by its true portability: It’s a laptop replacement, no doubt about it. The basic genius of the device is that Apple has figured out the precise size, weight, and shape that … Read more

My Ode to iPad

The iPad is a technological phenomenon — a real game changer.  I got mine in the mail a few days ago and was immediately impressed by its true portability: It’s a laptop replacement, no doubt about it. The basic genius of the device is that Apple has figured out the precise size, weight, and shape that … Read more

Remember the Palestinians

The Holy Land is a place of stories. Everyone has a story about Israel and the occupied territory called Palestine by those who live there. Many of the events are drenched in blood — often that of relatives present or past — which is why, when story is pitted against story, death against death, little … Read more

LC Visitation is Drawing to a Close

At Catholic Advocate, I argue the White House and the Congress are empowering Catholic dissidents, and, as a result, the Church is paying the price.   For those who say we must wait for the Church to exert its influence over politics, I say the Church in presently too weak.  The vectors of influence can … Read more

At Catholic Advocate, I argue the White House and the Congress are empowering Catholic dissidents, and, as a result, the Church is paying the price.   For those who say we must wait for the Church to exert its influence over politics, I say the Church in presently too weak.  The vectors of influence can … Read more

The White House Empowers Catholic Dissidents

At Catholic Advocate, I argue the White House and the Congress are empowering Catholic dissidents, and, as a result, the Church is paying the price.   For those who say we must wait for the Church to exert its influence over politics, I say the Church in presently too weak.  The vectors of influence can … Read more

I’ve only recently begun watching silent films in earnest, and I find my interest in them grows with every one.  I am fascinated by the ability of the actors and directors to tell a story with a minimum of words, delivered on “title cards.” You literally cannot look away from the screen, relying on the … Read more

I’ve only recently begun watching silent films in earnest, and I find my interest in them grows with every one.  I am fascinated by the ability of the actors and directors to tell a story with a minimum of words, delivered on “title cards.” You literally cannot look away from the screen, relying on the … Read more

Try Something Different — Silent Movies!

I’ve only recently begun watching silent films in earnest, and I find my interest in them grows with every one.  I am fascinated by the ability of the actors and directors to tell a story with a minimum of words, delivered on “title cards.” You literally cannot look away from the screen, relying on the … Read more

On Beauty: A Message to Its Religious Despisers

What did Fyodor Dostoevsky mean in The Idiot when one of his characters asserts, “Beauty will save the world”? Taken at face value, it’s a claim that beauty plays a role in the salvation of us all. There are quite a few Christians, of all denominations, who would respond to that claim with suspicion, if … Read more

A Speech on Beauty to Its Religious Despisers

This evening at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, I will be giving a lecture — “On Beauty: A Speech to Its Religious Despisers.” Just so you don’t think I am being rude, the title was approved, even encouraged, by my host, Prof. Karen Swallow Pryor, the chair of the English and Modern Languages Department. It … Read more

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