Julian Kwasniewski

Julian Kwasniewski lives in the USA's mountain west where he enjoys reading, playing the renaissance lute, and trout fishing. His writing has appeared in The Catholic Herald, National Catholic Register, Crisis Magazine, and others. Although he has never owned a smartphone, he does own (and use) a longboard.

recent articles

Pilgrim Music

Modern masters of lust scream and shout their rock songs, but medieval peasants sing of beauty, salvation, and death to their mother.

Why I Fish for Fickle, Freckled Things

Fishing is an adrenalin-boosting hunt, a breath of fresh air, excitement mixed with relaxation, a time for wonder and solitude and meditation, and, sometimes, a time for camaraderie.

The Power of Theme Songs

Throughout music history, popular tunes have formed the basis of arrangements, fantasias, and variation suites.

Renaissance Jazz: Grooving in Style

Improvisation is one of Jazz’s distinctive features. One of the more recently recovered practices of Renaissance music, however, is also improvisation.

The Silence of Friendship

The silence of old friendship; a common trope in literature, perhaps a trite cliché. But do we ever practice it?

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