Sean Fitzpatrick

Sean Fitzpatrick is a senior contributor to Crisis and serves on the faculty of Gregory the Great Academy, a Catholic boarding school for boys in Pennsylvania.

recent articles

Cardinal George Pell, Peace At Last

Besides being a champion for orthodox Catholicism in an age of liberalism, Cardinal Pell will be remembered primarily as the Prince of the Church who went to prison for a crime he didn’t commit.

A Wise Man Ends His Pilgrimage

Life and death are inseparable partners in the course of human salvation, and so it is fitting that we end the season celebrating the birth of Christ with the death of a holy man.

Christmas Eve is Holy Eve’s

One of the deepest and dearest secrets of the Christmas season is hidden in plain sight: Christmas Eve is the feast day of Holy Eve, the wife of Adam and the mother of all.

Can Ye Love Hitler?

Kanye West’s recent comments about Adolf Hitler is worth some attention from wary Catholics.

The Merciless Candidacy of John Fetterman

The Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat debate between Democratic candidate John Fetterman and Republican candidate Mehmet Oz was bizarre and sad, and revealed the merciless ambition of the Democratic Party.

What Do You Tell Your Kids About Halloween?

Halloween is no longer regarded as a vigil for the faithful departed. But with the loud prevalence of Halloween as a commercialized fright-fest, Catholic parents should have something to say to their kids about this strange, ghoulish festival.

Yes, Liz Cheney, Truth Does Matter

Liz Cheney famously said, “the truth matters.” The truth does matter, and Cheney’s rejection by the people of Wyoming is a clear demonstration that her repurposing of truth to gain political advantage will not be tolerated.

Respect the Doctrine

While the “Doctrine of Discovery” can be rescinded, the call to evangelize and convert all nations cannot be.

A Little Discrimination Can Go a Long Way

There are certainly lies and lifestyles that discerning Catholics should discriminate, insofar as they are unhealthy and not conducive to human happiness and fulfillment.

Our Culture of Abuse

Recent revelations about the Southern Baptists show that sexual abuse is not a “Catholic thing.” But it is a cultural thing and churches have been invaded by that culture of self-gratification that will take what it wants.

2000 Mules and the Big Truth

The mainstream media – both Left and Right – want to ignore the new documentary “2000 Mules” that exposes fraud in the 2020 election. But Catholics must fight for the truth to be exposed.

Easter and the Eighth Day

Christians no longer even understand what the Eighth Day means, but reclaiming such ideas like the Eighth Day is no small part in the requisite work for the restoration of Christian culture.

Is Cardinal Marx’s Heresy Set in Stone?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church isn’t above question or critique, but such inquiries should challenge not *what* the Catechism teaches but, rather, *how* it teaches it.

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