Monica Miller

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A Fabricated Scandal

There’s been great outcry and shock at Archbishop Cordileone banning Nancy Pelosi from Communion. Somehow, the Church and the world have progressed to a point where it’s unexpected for a bishop to condemn what is an obvious evil.

Abortion’s Bed of Lies

Abortion is a natural and necessary extension of the cult of liberated sexuality because sexuality, untethered from the moorings of community, family, and trust, increasingly loses coherence the more its paroxysms proliferate.

A Special Saint for Our Time

St. Titus Brandsma, the martyred Carmelite priest from Holland who died at Dachau in 1942, stands out as perhaps the most compelling example for Catholics concerned about the threat of state-sponsored terror and tyranny.

I Saw the Devil on Parliament Hill

The potential fall of Roe v. Wade has enraged even the pro-abortion forces north of the border, who are displaying their demonic influence for all the world to see.

Weekly Wrap-Up: May 14-May 20, 2022

Congress votes to create $40 billion to send to Ukraine, 10 are killed in mass shooting in Buffalo, and the Pennsylvania Senate Republican Primary is still up in the air. We’ll cover that and more on today’s Crisis Weekly Wrap-Up.

Catholic Students Want a Catholic Education

We now see an exodus from the parish school system to independent and classical curricula Catholic schools, schools focused on holding Catholicity at the center of their identity.

Doomscrolling Past Christ

Our social media addictions are interfering with our prayer lives and, ultimately, our relationship with Christ.

Abortion is the Real Assault on Women

Far from being a basic “right,” abortion is deeply damaging to women; it is not the means to a level playing field that its avid supporters believe it to be.

Weak Men Create Hard Times

If weak men produce hard times, shouldn’t the avoidance of this be paramount in our minds? After two millennia of Christianity, shouldn’t the Church have a formula for avoiding this? In fact, she does.

Life in the Logical Ruins

In today’s public discourse, all opposition is perceived as contradictory: One can support either a conservative politician or the dignity of women. One can eat meat or be environmentally conscious. There’s no third option.

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