Eric Sammons

recent articles

The Dangerous “Weigel Script”

George Weigel has long advocated for robust American interventionism throughout the world, in spite of mounting evidence of its repeated failure. Now he has set his sights on Russia, where the price of failure could very well be nuclear war.

2000 Mules and the Big Truth

The mainstream media – both Left and Right – want to ignore the new documentary “2000 Mules” that exposes fraud in the 2020 election. But Catholics must fight for the truth to be exposed.

Child Sacrifice Is Nothing New

Whether modern pro-abortion advocates realize it or not, in essence their attachment to the slaughter of the unborn is an allegiance to Moloch.

Let the Beautiful Creature Live

The unborn child is strange and familiar at once. Set aside all the muddle of your fears and desires, your resentment, your self-opinion, your politics, whatever. Look at that child. That was you, that was me.

The Fall of Roe Can Bring Healing

The millions of women who have had abortions, and those who performed abortions, are all in need of healing, the true healing that only Our Savior Jesus can bring.

Truth to Roe

American politics is concerned far more with power rather than truth, making Pontius Pilate the model of modern-day politicians.

Barron’s Barren Word?

The response of Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ministry to recent allegations of sexual misconduct by a prominent employee reveal a culture that prioritizes legalese over compassion.

Boycott Disney to Save Your Child’s Soul

Boycotting Disney can revolutionize a family’s entire approach to children’s entertainment. It can become an opportunity to introduce our children to a greater wealth of stories.

Weekly Wrap-Up: April 30-May 6, 2022

Roe v. Wade might be overturned, controversy surrounds Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ministry, and the Pfizer Covid vaccine isn’t as effective as advertised. We’ll cover that and more on today’s Crisis Weekly Wrap-Up.

A Tale of Two Cities in a Nutshell

Charles Dickens is arguably the finest writer in the English language after Shakespeare, and his “Tale of Two Cities” is by far his most popular work.

Divorce’s Destructive Impact

The normalization and ubiquity of divorce has encouraged commitment aversion, which has had a corrosive effect on all of society.

The Hollywood Whitewashing of Fr. James Martin

A new propagandistic film about Fr. James Martin leaves us with no doubt whatever that the end goal is to thwart existing true doctrine on human nature and human sexuality, either covertly or overtly.

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