The last few weeks of Election Season news almost always leave me feeling overwhelmed and unsure as to what we will see when Election Day comes to an end, and this season is no exception. On the one hand, I find myself inundated by articles about the GOP’s potentially unprecedented lead amongst likely voters and the 99 seats the Democrats find themselves unexpectedly forced to defend.
But on the other hand, there are stories of Sestak catching (and even passing) Toomey in Pennsylvania (or not), Conway cutting significantly into Rand Paul’s previously-insurmountable lead, and Christine O’Donnell making her political life increasingly difficult. (Although perhaps that last one should read “the AP making her political life increasingly difficult.”)
Even articles that try to analyze the likeliness of a GOP landslide in a bit more depth– such as this piece on what exactly the 2010 Elections might mean for Sarah Palin – offer such a wide range of possibilities, I find myself completely unconvinced that anyone knows exactly what to expect for November 2nd. The hyperbole is running so wildly through the veins of political pundits everywhere, I almost found myself taking this Onion article seriously:
Democrats Could Lose Up To 8,000 Seats In Upcoming Midterm Election
WASHINGTON—According to recent media reports, Democrats stand to lose as many as 8,000 congressional seats and more than 917 gubernatorial races in November’s midterm elections. “Republicans are poised to pick up 1,500 seats in Ohio alone, and could wind up with a 23,576-to-12 majority in the Senate,” Beltway observer Isaac Hundt said Wednesday, noting the GOP’s advantage is likely to increase by Election Day given that its candidates are outspending their opponents by some $900 trillion.
I’ve never done well with uncertainty; I like to know exactly what to expect from everyone and everything at all times. This season is driving me absolutely crazy. Thank goodness I only have to hang on for three more weeks.
Still, I suppose it could be worse: We could be trying to make a decision on who to pick in the Winnipeg mayoral race:
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