Friday Free-for-All: August 27


August 27, 2010

Time for some Friday morning links:

  • As movements are being made in Congress to ease travel restrictions to Cuba, Delia Lloyd at Politics Daily says now is a good time to consider “Ten Reasons to Lift the Cuba Embargo.”
  • CNN reports on a troubling trend in Nigeria: Children are increasingly becoming the targets of attacks for being “witches,” suffering torture, banishment, or even death for supposedly causing misfortunes like poverty and illness. A heartbreaking story.
  • Orthodox. Faithful. Free.

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  • US ambassador Doug Kmiec was in a car accident in Southern California on Wednesday that killed one passenger, 74-year-old Sister Mary Campbell. Kmiec and the other passenger, Msgr. John Sheridan, both underwent surgery but are in stable condition. Prayers for all three.
  • Taffy Brodesser-Aker believes that circumcision is mutilation — so why did she put her two sons through it? Where faith, fear, and “magical thinking” meet parenthood.
  • Mad Men design for Facebook — awesome “vintage” Internet ads.
  • Photographer and friend of IC Renata Grzan was at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., yesterday for a mass and celebration in honor of Mother Teresa’s centenary. She was kind enough to share this great shot of a balloon launch in Mother Teresa’s colors; looks like it was a beautiful service. Check out Renata’s blog for more.


  • Margaret Cabaniss is the former managing editor of Crisis Magazine. She joined Crisis in 2002 after graduating from the University of the South with a degree in English Literature and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. She now blogs at

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