Time for a few Friday links:
- John Allen on Pope Benedict’s latest book: “It’s likely to cement the impression that Benedict XVI is his own best spokesperson.”
- Diary of a Part Time Monk: A man decides to fast on doppelbock beer (“liquid bread”) and water for the whole of Lent — just like monks used to. If he can make it through the first week, I’d say he has a fighting chance…
- Speaking of Lent, David Gibson at Politics Daily writes: “New research shows that some form of ‘mortification of the flesh’ — the old-fashioned term for inflicting physical discomfort for spiritual growth — can in fact alleviate feelings of guilt.” The comments, of course, are predictable.
- This video of an 85-year-old World War II sniper making a kill shot at 1,000 yards really warmed my heart. They don’t make ’em like they used to.
- National Geographic builds and flies its own Up-inspired balloon house, setting a record for “the largest balloon cluster flight ever attempted.” The pictures are incredible. (And yes, that is a real live human inside. Eep.)
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