Good morning! For anyone nursing green beer hangovers this morning, here are a few links to ease you into the day:
- Archbishop Timothy Dolan on the sex abuse scandal to 60 Minutes: “This was such a crisis in the Catholic Church that in a way, we don’t want to get over it too easily. This needs to haunt us.” (H/t Carl Olson)
- Another federal judge in Maryland has struck down a law requiring crisis pregnancy centers to advertise that they don’t provide abortions. The lead counsel representing one such center said: “The government cannot create special speech rules just because people want to talk about pregnancy choices. And it certainly cannot target pro-life speakers for special sign requirements and fines while leaving speech by abortion clinics entirely unregulated. This new regulation violates every core principle of free speech law.”
- “Our First Public Parks: The forgotten history of cemeteries.” Interesting interview with the author of a new book on cemeteries and “the evolving design of cities of the dead.”
- NASA is using frickin’ lasers to shoot trash in the path of satellites in space.
- An essay question on the SAT asks students about reality television. Is there any place that Jersey Shore hasn’t infiltrated yet?
- Over at Patheos, Joseph Susanka reviews Get Low, a film about recognizing that sin — and redemption — are often public affairs. I just watched this movie for the first time last week, and Joseph is spot on. Check them both out.
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